View non-flash version Marine Technology Reporter 85ASTM A967-05. They are rated for use up to 80°C (176°F) when fabri-cated with neoprene (polychloro- prene) cable jackets, or up to 95°C (203°F) with optional CSPE cable EdgeTech 2205 Series EdgeTech debuts a new sonar solu- tion specifically designed for AUV?s, ROV?s, USV?s and other hosted plat- forms. The new 2205 Series is the latest generation of electronics, trans- ducers and software specifically opti- mized for the demanding size, power and cost constraints present in hosted platform systems. With hundreds of sonar systems installed on numerous AUV, ROV and USV platforms around the world. 44 PMGS Transponders Ordered LinkQuest received an order for 44 PMGS (Precision Marine Geodetic System) transponders and a PMGS surface station from the Japan Coast Guard. This special investment in the PMGS systems is based on the meas-urement results obtained by Japanese scientists after the Magnitude 9.0 earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011. Up to 24m of horizontal seafloor movement was detected. These new transponders will form several new arrays at Japan's ocean floors, further expanding the cover- age of the areas of interest. They will be periodically monitored by research vessels in years to come. The com- plete Precision Marine Geodetic Systems (PMGS) are capable of detecting the movement of the ocean floor with 0.5 centimeter of accuracyfor ranges up to 7,000 meters. These newly ordered PMGS transponders, are combined with more than 100 systems already deployed in the field. TheEvansCapacitorCompany 72BoydAvenue?EastProvidence,RI02914USA?401.435.3555?Fax401.435.3558 EvansHybrid ®CapacitorsProveninaerospace,readyforthedeep,EvansHybrid ®Capacitorsarecompact,powerfulandreliable. Testedto10,000psiandimpervioustosaltwater,theyhavemore than10timestheenergydensityofaluminumcapacitors, providingupto2joules/cc. Consideredindispensableinthemostadvancedaircraft, theyarealsomissioncritical2milesdeep. EvansHybrid ®Capacitorsfilterpower,firepulses,correctpowerfactors andallowsubmersiblestoridethroughcriticalpowerinterruptions. 100MILESHIGH0R2MILESDEEP POWERWHENYOUNEEDIT MTR#2 (82-96):MTR Layouts 2/22/2012 11:11 AM Page 85