View non-flash version Marine Technology Reporter 21installing an X-band radar on a civil-ian aircraft and, after demonstrating the ability to detect icebergs, landedtheir first surveillance contract with the federal government (Department of Fisheries and Oceans). In 1996 the company began modifying aircraft to meet client requirements such as range, speed, and payload, for mar-itime patrol, and has done so for many governments including the Netherlands, Malaysia, Trinidad, Barbados, Mexico, and the UAE. PAL also provides air reconnaissance flights using their own aircraft for clients such as the Netherlands Antilles Coast Guard and the Government of Canada. They also provide training to the Colombian National Police, Government of Trinidad and most recently, the Government of the UAE. -Jack Fisher, President Call for a free catalog or visit our web site: ?Fishers underwater videoproducts are cost effective tools for underwater searchand inspection. The line includes low-cost minicameras, dropped videosystems, towed cameras,and powerful ROVs withscanning sonar onboard.Fishers has an underwatercamera that will fit yourapplication and yourbudget.?1953 County St., E. Taunton, MA02718 USA? (800)822-4744(508)822-7330 ? FAX: (508)880-8949 ? email: ? Scan-650ScanningSonar$6,995CT-1 CableTracker with Signal Injector$12,995Proton 4MarineMagnetometer$12,995$19,995Pingers$695SideScansP12Boat-towedMetal Detector $9,495?Fishers underwater video cameras brave the dangerous sites ,so you don?t have to? Proton 4Pingersand ReceiversOnly $19,995SeaOtter-2SeaOtter-2ROVROVControl Box withBuilt-in MonitorVery Rugged and Compact L to R: Derek Scott, Vice President, Airborne Surveillance and Jake Trainor, Vice President, Maintenance and Modifications Division, Provincial Aerospace Ltd. Photo credit: Andrew Safer MTR#9 (18-33):MTR Layouts 11/28/2011 9:42 AM Page 21