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mooring lines and issuing full statutory certificates on behalf of the Marshall Islands. P-55 will be the thirteenth (13th) floating platform classed by Bureau Veritas with Petrobras, and BV is also responsible for third party certi- fication of several Petrobras pipeline projects. Additionally, BV has been selected to perform FEED design certification of a new wellhead fixed platform in development by Petrobras R&D Center (CENPES) for the Badejo Field, in Campos Basin. The certification will include subsea riser support structures. BV has also been selected by Petrobras and several EPC contractors to pro- vide technical assistance in complex risk and safety stud-ies, including sophisticated fire and gas as simulations, for all major projects under development by Petrobras, some of them still in the FEED phases, such as the new pre-salt FPSOs. New Rules for New Technologies ?We have our AIMS system, we have our VeriSTAR tools and we have our well-developed rules of offshore units,? says Frorup. ?Now, we are adding a new set of Bureau Veritas rules, NI 569, to cover the classification of new generation drillships. Drillships are Mobile Offshore Drilling Units adapted for drilling operations in ultra-deepoffshore environments. Units classed under BV?s offshore rules can add the optional notationDRILL, published in NI 570.DRILL covers all safety-related drilling equipment. DRILL isapplicable to all types of offshore rigs including drillships, semi-submersible, jack-up and Tension Leg Platforms.? The new struc- tural Rules in NI569 cover the hull assessment with particular attention to the interface between the hull and structures supporting drilling equipment. Structural assessment is based on specific loading configurationsconsidering typical operations ofdrillships, including transit,drilling preparation, BOP run- ning, casing running, normal drilling, standby at the intended site and survival. New structural requirements are explicitly defined for moon- pool area and moonpool structural details, including hydrodynamic effects. Prescriptive requirements for safety aspects are complemented by risk assessment techniques which are consistent with the requirements of various national regulations. Both NI569 and NI570 DRILL Rules cover design assessment criteria, construction survey, qualification of novel technology and in-service survey. The BV Way: Safety + Simplicity = Efficiency ?The big issue with business performance offshore, and with safety, is information not getting shared,? asserts Frorup. ?When multiple contractors are involved in a project, each using different bodies and different rules to verify compliance, and each subject to different regulato- ry oversight, it is inevitable that the big picture gets bro- ken into small pieces. There has to be someone looking at the whole picture, with all the information. That way lies safety, and that way lies simplicity, and with safety and simplicity comes efficiency. Integration offshore makes sense.? Marine Technology Reporter 17MTR#9 (1-17):MTR Layouts 11/28/2011 9:31 AM Page 17