View non-flash version Marine Technology Reporter 21back to the students aboard the Laurentian, giving them the first glimpse of the ships since they mettheir untimely end. The students even took turns pilot- ing one of the ROVs ? giving them the power to direct the visual inspec- tion and perhaps sparking new direc- tions in their future course of study. "One of the kids actually decided he wanted a career as an ROV pilot," said Kovacs. "The state-of-the-art Sony 2D and 3D cameras we used, coupled with the new Sony Vaio computers, made this an incredible immersive teaching experience for not only the studentsbut for the scientists as well," added Lange. Sony and Intel's Project Shiphunt team announced the discovery of shipwrecks the schooner M.F. Merrick and the steel freighter Etruria. The AIVL team is experienced invisually documenting undersea fea-tures, having developed their camera systems for scientific exploration ofnatural formations on the seafloor aswell as exploration of historic wrecks, like the Brittanic, the Titanic, and the USS Arizona. "Our goal is to take the tools we've developed here over 20 years and make them useful for marine archae- ology and marine forensics," said Lange. "Sometimes a diver can damage an archaeological site; other times it is too deep to send a diver. Our imaging systems, whether in the hands ofdivers or mounted on a vehicle of choice, can save researchers a lot of time, money, and man-power and still allow them to collect valuable data. "One of the most beneficial aspects of 3D surveys with our sys- tems is that you can easily view dete- rioration or changes on a wreck site over time. The "byproduct" is that the 3D footage is truly immersive and if viewed properly it will capture minds and imaginations like no othertool available today," said Kovacs. And viewing historic wrecks in 3D brings these seafloor time capsules tolife in ways that haven't been seen ? or perhaps imagined ? before. TheEvansCapacitorCompany 72BoydAvenue?EastProvidence,RI02914USA?401.435.3555?Fax401.435.3558 EvansHybrid ®CapacitorsProveninaerospace,readyforthedeep,EvansHybrid ®Capacitorsarecompact,powerfulandreliable. Testedto10,000psiandimpervioustosaltwater,theyhavemore than10timestheenergydensityofaluminumcapacitors, providingupto2joules/cc. Consideredindispensableinthemostadvancedaircraft, theyarealsomissioncritical2milesdeep. EvansHybrid ®Capacitorsfilterpower,firepulses,correctpowerfactors andallowsubmersiblestoridethroughcriticalpowerinterruptions. 100MILESHIGH0R2MILESDEEP POWERWHENYOUNEEDIT MTR#8 (18-33):MTR Layouts 10/10/2011 2:01 PM Page 21