View non-flash version Marine Technology Reporter 19stand the Great Lakes. "This research will help us protect the Great Lakes and their rich history for future generations. It is also an extraordinary opportunity to inspire the next generation of explorers and introduce them to technology and experiences that could shape theirfutures," said Gray. Great Lakes shipwrecks are among the best preserved in the world. Lake Huron's cold, freshwater has kept many Thunder Bay sites virtually unchanged for over 150 years. Through research, education and community involvement, the sanctu- ary works to protect our nation's his- toric shipwrecks for future genera- tions, while providing access to recre- ational users. The sanctuary will con- Project Shiphunt team on the foredeck of NOAA research vessel LAURENTIAN L to R: James Willett, Tiesha Anderson, Dr. James Delgado, Cody Frost, Tirrea Billings, Yer Vang. MTR#8 (18-33):MTR Layouts 10/10/2011 1:59 PM Page 19