View non-flash version Marine Technology Reporter 19 datasets even faster. This will provide organizations with significant savings in time, which is crucial for marine surveying organizations that wish to make efficiencies. In-house tests revealed that the CUBE surface creation and Merge processes are now 15-30% faster respectively. The 64-bit technology also allows access to larger banks of RAM, increasing the ability to multi- task while processing. HIPS and SIPS supports over 40 sonar and LiDAR formats, allowing it to process data from virtually any sys- tem configuration. The software also includes the latest seafloor classifica- tion tools and workflows, enabling the optimum amount of information to be extracted from organizations’ seafloor measurements. “With this release of HIPS and SIPS we have listened carefully to what our clients have requested,” said Corey Collins, HIPS and SIPS Product Manager. “They are telling the team here that support for 64-bit processing power is becoming a prior- ity due to the increasing size of their sonar data. They are telling us that they want the most stable hydro- graphic processing application avail- able on the market. We are happy that we are able to deliver on these priorities with the release of HIPS and SIPS 7.1.” A new license string will be required to make use of the new 7.1 features. Each of the individual licenses are unique and will only work with the corresponding HIPS and SIPS 7.1 software, as well as earlier versions. Email: support@ Cmdr. Krepp Takes Command of NOAA Ship NOAA Corps Cmdr. Lawrence Krepp has assumed command of NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson, one of the world’s most technologically advanced hydrographic survey vessels. At a May 6 change-of-command cer- emony in Norfolk, Krepp relieved Cmdr. Shepard Smith, who will serve as senior advisor to Kathryn D. Sullivan, the newly appointed assis- tant secretary of commerce for envi- ronmental observation and predic- tion for “Cmdr. Krepp is a proven leader who is committed to providing the highest level of science, service and stewardship to the nation,” said Rear Adm. Jonathan W. Bailey, direc- tor of the NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations and the NOAA Corps.