View non-flash version Marine Technology Reporter 51 MTR100 line tensiometers, PC software for single or multi-winch monitoring, as well as a provider of calibration serv- ices and full system instrumentation packages. METOCEAN Data Systems 21 Thornhill Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B3B 1R9 Canada Tel: +1.902.468.2505 METOCEAN Data System devel- ops and manufactures data acquisi- tion and telemetry systems. METO- CEAN specializes in the production of air-deployed and ship deployed drifting buoys, Search and Rescue buoys such as Self Locating Datum Marker Buoys, Oil Tracking Buoys such as Argospheres and Davis Drifters, Ice Platforms and Acoustic Systems. ODOM Hydrographic Systems, Inc. 1450 Seaboard Ave., Baton Rouge, La. 70810 Tel: +1 (225)769-3051 Email: With more than three thousand echo sounders produced and distrib- uted worldwide, Odom Hydrographic Systems, Inc., has established a standard for product reliability and customer service in the survey marketplace. Examples of Odom's continuing drive to lead the echo sounder market are the excep- tional capabilities of the Echotrac MKIII and the introduction of our innovative yet affordable multibeam echo sounder, the ES3. Phoenix International, Inc. 9301 Largo Drive West, Largo, Md. 20774 Tel: 301-341-7800 Email: Phoenix International, Inc. is 11- year old marine service company spe- cializing in underwater operations and engineering worldwide. The orig- inal staff of nine conducted underwa- ter ship repairs for a single Navy cus- tomer, and grew to over 250 people whose capabilities now serve cus- tomers found throughout the ocean industry. Phoenix performs water- borne ship repairs, underwater inspections and surveys, search and recovery missions, marine construc- tion support, submarine rescue oper- ations, and engineering. Expertise in underwater welding, side scan sonar, ROVs, diving, and design is available from Phoenix offices located in Virginia, Texas, Maryland, Louisiana, Hawaii, and California. Sub-Atlantic Ltd. Woodburn Rd, Blackburn Business Park, Blackburn, Aberdeen, AB21 0PS, Scotland T: +44 (0) 1224 798660 Email: Sub-Atlantic Inc. 0642 West Little York, Suite 100 Houston, Tx, 77041-4014, USA T: +1 713 329 8730 Email: Sub-Atlantic is a leading manufac- turer of World Class electric powered Remotely Operated Vehicles, ranging from portable units to light work class systems. Sub-Atlantic is also principal OEM supplier of Thrusters, Hydraulic Power Units, Valve Packs, Compensators and Pan & Tilt Systems to many of the world's other ROV manufacturers. Offices in the UK and USA and a worldwide net- work of agents. Applied Science Associates, Inc. 70 Dean Knauss Drive, Narragansett, RI 02882 Tel: +1 401 789-6224 | f: +1 401 789-1932 Email: ASA is a global science and technol- ogy solutions company. Through consulting, environmental modeling, and application development, ASA helps a diverse range of clients inves- tigate their issues of concern and obtain functional answers. ASA's solutions are based on applied science and advanced research. ASA’s services and products, along with its staff's diverse technical backgrounds, are specialized in the analysis of marine, freshwater, air, and land resources; computer modeling of physical, chemical, and biological processes; geographic information systems (GIS); operational research; and data display. Since 1979 and in over 100 coun- tries, ASA has been providing services and custom solutions to sectors including energy, environment, con- struction, defense, security, emer- gency management, transportation, and shipping. ASA clients include government agencies, major corpora- tions, environmental and regulatory consulting firms, legal firms, and research and academic institutions. SEACON Brantner & Assoc. 1240 Vernon Way, El Cajon, Calif. 92020 Tel: 619-562-7071 Email: President: Patrick Simar Vice President: Denton Seichan The SEACON Group of companies has the technology to design, proto- type, qualify and manufacture an extensive and diverse range of electri- cal, optical and hybrid connector assemblies and cable system solutions. The Group's headquarters is based at SEACON Brantner & Associates, Inc., in El Cajon, Calif. SEACON (europe) Ltd. (formerly Sea Connections Systems) was the first international addition to the group in 1987. Design, engineering, manufacturing, quality control and testing all take place within this facil- ity. A successful range of products which include the Wet-Con, Metal MTR#6 (49-64).qxd 7/18/2008 9:02 AM Page 51