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8 MTR July 2008 MTR 100 Aanderaa Data Instruments AS Nesttunbrekken 97, P.O. Box 34 Slåtthaug, 5851Bergen, Norway Tel: +47 55 60 48 00 Email: Aanderaa Instruments develops, manu- factures and mar- kets oceano- graphic and meteorological instruments and special systems for collecting environmental data. The prod- ucts are designed to be rugged, reli- able and particularly well suited for long-term applications in remote areas without electricity supply. Data can be stored internally in a highly protected memory or transferred in real-time via cable, VHF/UHF radio, satellite, modem or GSM. AC-CESS Co. U.K. Ltd Tyrebagger Works, Clinterty, Kinellar, Aberdeen, AB21 0TT Tel: + 44 (0)1224 790100 Email: The AC-ROV is a portable small ROV. A complete system comes in one rugged waterproof hand carry case with an all up weight of 18kg. It defines the "Hand Carry" class in underwater inspection systems. CE Marked and cer- tified for all "feet wet" applica- tions, offshore, onshore or down pipes for under- water inspec- tion. One per- son can deploy the system in less than 3 min- utes. Technology Profile: Standard System Components - AC-ROV, sur- face control unit, intuitive 3-D hand controller, depth sensor, monitor & stand options, tether configuration to client requirement, tether deploy- ment system (TDS), flight assist functions, tool kit, storm case, instruction manual, training, opera- tors online secure area. Options - 2 function manipulator, slip ring, rear view camera and light, custom cable reel (additional tether to 120m), video grabber Applied Acoustic Engineering Ltd. Marine House, Marine Park, Gapton Hall Road Great Yarmouth, NR31 0NB, UK Tel: +44 1493 440355 Email: President: Adam Darling Sales Manager: Gavin Willoughby Square Footage: 20,000 Testing Capabilities: (ie. test tanks, boats): Multiple test tanks (internal+external), environmental cham- ber, pressure testing, calibration facilities Number of Employees: 40 Applied Acoustics has been supply- ing innovative acoustic technologies for almost two decades. Initially man- ufacturing acoustic positioning bea- cons for the offshore oil and gas industry, the company now provides an extensive range of additional acoustic products, including a subsea tracking system and seabed profiling equipment to survey companies, oceanography and research institutes, defence and law enforcement agen- cies. Technology Profile: The prod- ucts use acoustics, underwater sound waves, in location, positioning, navi- gation and data acquisition applica- tions. The range of products includes a variety of positioning and release beacons, the innovative USBL Tracking System, Easytrak and seis- mic devices for offshore geotechnical MTR#6 (1-16).qxd 7/17/2008 1:51 PM Page 10