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38 MTR July 2007 RESON A/S Fabriksvangen 13 Slangerup Denmark DK-3550 Tel: +45 46 38 00 22 Fax: +45 46 38 00 66 Email: CEO/President: Allan J. Vestergaard Global Sales: Kim Christiansen Global Marketing Manager: Michael Giese Executive VP Global Delivery: Mikael Nadelmann Testing Capabilities: Test tanks for calibration and pressure tests RESON focuses on underwater acoustic sensors, state-of-the-art echosounders, multibeam sonar sys- tems, transducers, hydrophones, and software. RESON's SeaBat sonars and NaviSound echosounder systems have become an industrial standard in areas such as hydrography, dredging, offshore operations, marine research and defense & security. RESON was established in 1976 as a manufacturer of transducers. The company is growing and expanding into new markets and application areas - and its fourth generation of sonar systems will provide unprece- dented performance for naval and commercial systems in terms of accu- racy, resolution, depth rating, and range. RESON has its corporate headquarters in Denmark, with sub- sidiaries in Italy, the U.K., the U.S., the Netherlands and Germany. Technology profile: RESON launched in May 2007, the first multibeam sonar systems on the mar- ket with dual frequency for remotely operated vehicles (ROV) down to depths of 6000 m. The new SeaBat 7125 is designed to enable explo- ration missions to map the sea faster, and more accurately than ever before. Offering dual frequency for ROV down to 6000m, the SeaBat 7125 can perform multiple missions from the same vehicle without costly and time- consuming system reconfigurations. An innovative design means switch- ing frequencies can be done in sec- onds - simply by loading a new soft- ware file - so deep-depth survey oper- ations get more time in the water. Since 2005, RESON has been col- laborating closely with users, and conducting extensive sea tests. The result is a host of new functions that make the SeaBat 7125 one of the most feature-rich sonar platforms on the market, and ideal for multiple applications. Innovative features include high-density flexible beam- forming, beam data recording, Built- in Test, automatic operation, and AUV configuration. Users can operate two systems as a dual-head configuration, enabling them to detect small diameter pipes and other objects with unparalleled accuracy. By reducing both data col- lection and processing times, SeaBat 7125 maximizes surveying productiv- ity by operating on either 200kHz or 400kHz, it provides high-quality bathymetry data over a swath of 128 degree perpendicular to the direction of travel. A ping rate of 50Hz with 512 equidistant beams per swath ensures exceptionally high data densi- ty. MTR100MTR100MTR100MTR100MTR100MTR100 Allan J. Vestergaard, CEO RESON SeaBat 7125 Multibeam sonar system. MTR#6 (33-48).qxd 7/13/2007 10:31 AM Page 38