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50 MTR January 2006 research. He was a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, which awarded him a Davidson Medal for outstanding scientific accomplishment in research. Among the many other honors he earned throughout his career was an hon- orary doctorate degree from the Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, France, where he had taught during a sabbatical leave. In June 2002, colleagues paid trib- ute to Wehausen by organizing a Special Symposium of the Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference in Oslo, Norway. More than 100 colleagues, friends and for- mer students attended the sympo- sium. At that event, Wehausen was awarded the American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Lifetime Achievement Award. Memorial donations and gifts can be made out to the UC Regents, John Wehausen Memorial Fund, c/o College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 201 McLaughlin Hall, MC 1722, Berkeley, CA 94720-1722. The funds will be used to establish a scholarship for graduate students studying marine hydrodynamics. General Atomics, Kongsberg, C&C Sign Agreement General Atomics, Kongsberg Maritime and C&C Technologies agreed to cooperate on the develop- ment of AUVs and associated tech- nologies. Kongsberg Maritime, man- ufacturer of advanced hydroacoustic instruments, the HUGIN family of AUVs and other maritime electronic products, has signed a cooperative agreement with General Atomics and C&C Technologies via its affiliate, Kongsberg Underwater Technology Inc, located in Lynnwood, Wash. General Atomics (GA) and its affili- ates, headquartered in San Diego, Calif., are high-technology develop- ment companies in areas ranging from nuclear technologies and advanced defense and energy systems to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), including the Predator, a remotely operated surveillance air- craft. GA is currently active in sys- tems integration for several U.S. Navy programs, including an Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System, an Advanced Arresting Gear, Integrated Fight Through Power Conversion equipment, a Superconducting Homopolar Propulsion Motor, and an Electromagnetic Railgun. C&C Technologies, Inc., a Lafayette, La., based survey company, presently operates two HUGIN 3000 AUVs and has planned to take delivery of a third, 4500 m depth rated HUGIN. Transocean's Nautilus Receives Two-Year Deal Transocean said that a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell (Shell) has award- people & companies Teledyne RD Instruments User's Workshop Returns to Europe Teledyne RD Instruments said that its 2006 ADCPs in Action User's Workshop will again take place in Europe, scheduled for June 7-9, 2006 in Cannes, France. ADCPs in Action is a forum that was created by Teledyne RDI several years ago to bring the community together for an exchange of information between ADCP/DVL users, industry experts, and third party manufacturers. Central to the event are 25 industry experts presenting their latest field experience and findings, interspersed with Teledyne RDI prod- uct/software training, industry forums, and data analysis clinics. Industry co-sponsors for this event include key oceanographic product manufacturers and service providers. Confirmed co-sponsors to date include: Aqua Vision, Benthos, Codar, EIVA, Flotation Technologies, IXSEA, and OTT. Teledyne RDI is seeking speakers, co-sponsors and atten- dees for this important event. For full details and online registration, please visit, or contact: Ms. Gina Lopez, Teledyne RD Instruments, Tel. +1-858-693-1178, e-mail: MTR#1 (49-64).qxd 1/9/2006 3:46 PM Page 50