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50 MTR April 2009 private independent consulting busi- ness in addition to his new responsi- bilities at Woods Hole Group, has more than 30 years experience in coastal and fresh water regulatory permitting, dredged material man- agement and environmental assess- ment. He has extensive experience with the United States Army Corps of Engineer (USACE), including former employment at the New England District. Mr. Bajek will be the Senior Project Manager on Woods Hole Group's recently awarded USACE contract that can extend for up to five years, with an estimated budget of $15m. Dr. Clark has 12 years of consult- ing experience with environmental and ecological industry, government and private research organizations. She recently consulted on natural resources damage assessments for marine and coastal damage from oil spills, and also has expertise related to assessing environmental impacts from energy projects.. Dr. Clark also is expert with nutrient dynamics in coastal systems, holding a Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science and a Masters in Forest Science from Yale University, a Master of Science from the University of Massachusetts, and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California-Santa Cruz. Mako DeepWater Expands Staff Mako Deepwater increased its engineering and production staff in response to a record backlog and continued strong demand for its intervention tooling and deck equip- ment business lines. Tom Ayars, Mako DeepWater's President said "I'm appreciative for the loyal sup- port our customers have shown us. With their help we've been able to defy the downward trend some com- panies are experiencing in the oil industry. Our intervention tooling business gets stronger by the day and the addition of the deck equipment product line in Q3 2008 has proven to be a good move for us with the award of four projects in the last sev- eral months. To continue providing our clients with fast response and reliable service, we've been pleased to have the opportunity to expand our staff, creating jobs in a softening economy." Tyco Sets Subsea Comms Mark Tyco Telecommunications announced the successful demon- stration of 40Gb/s transmission over ultra-long haul distances. The test was conducted using dark fibers on the existing Tata Communications TGN-Pacific submarine cable system that links Tokyo to multiple USA West Coast city PoPs. The data reportedly was carried from Toyohashi, Japan to Los Angeles without the need for regeneration. The demonstration marks the next step in the ongoing progression of undersea cable data rates and will ultimately enable such undersea cable systems to carry more capacity over existing links. Aker Solutions Wins Riser Contract Aker Solutions won another con- tract for the delivery of a deepwater drilling riser system to Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering people & companies Salazar Schedules Meetings on Energy Development Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar will host four regional public meetings in April to present Interior's findings on Outer Continental Shelf (OSC) energy resources and potential environmen- tal impacts from their development. At the meetings, the Secretary will also hear comment from public offi- cials, interested organizations, advo- cacy groups and private citizens on OCS's development. The meetings will be held at the Atlantic City Convention Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey, on Monday, April 6; Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, on Wednesday, April 8; Dena'ina Convention Center in Anchorage, Alaska, on Tuesday, April 14; and at the University of California-San Francisco's Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco, California, on Thursday, April 16. If persons cannot attend in person, or are unable to speak at the meet- ings, they are welcome to submit written statements, comments or documents, either at the meeting or during the extended public com- ment period. Written comments can be either submitted at the meeting or thereafter throughout the extend- ed public comment period electron- ically at, "Five Year Program," "How to Comment," or by mail to Renee Orr, Chief, Leasing Division, Mineral Management Service, MS 4010, 381 Elden Street, Herndon, VA 20170-4817. MTR#3 (50-64).qxd 3/27/2009 2:46 PM Page 50