View non-flash version Marine Technology Reporter 49 Down East Instrumentation pro- vides clients with fully custom, inte- grated payload solutions for oceano- graphic buoy systems. Utilizing their extensive experience in the marine technology field, they design and fab- ricate cost-effective, sensor-based control and power sub-systems for the next generation of remote, real- time monitoring platforms. Down East will be responsible for designing and building the solar-charging ener- gy sub-module that will generate power for the FIO-Buoy system. Atmospheric observations will be provided by their Automated Buoy Weather Station, a turnkey meteoro- logical sensor package specifically designed for remote, offshore moni- toring systems. Down East will also provide the measurement and control functional- ity for the buoy system to include the acquisition and logging of the MET data as well as the information from the seventeen sub-surface sensors measuring temperature, salinity and currents in the upper 700-meters of the water column. The Sea-Bird inductive modem system will be used to acquire data from the mooring line with hourly data transmission from a redundant Iridium transceiver array. Down East Managing Director Jeffrey Kinder began his career at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. While there, he was involved in several international pro- grams, most notably the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), as well as the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS). Following that, he was the chief engi- neer responsible for designing, build- ing and maintaining the near real- time buoy array segment of both the Carolinas Coastal Ocean Observing & Prediction System (CaroCOOPS) and the Coastal Ocean Research & Monitoring Program (CORMP). Both programs have combined and evolved into a sub-regional compo- nent of the SouthEast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association (SECOORA), one of 11 regional associations tasked with carrying out the charter of the US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). Combined, RDSea and Down East Instrumentation have well over forty years experience within the oceano- graphic community. Genet Named COO SeeByte announced that Stuart Genet, an experienced business plan- ner and organizer, has joined SeeByte full time in the capacity of Chief Operating Officer after working with the company as a consultant since it's inception in 2001. "Stuart Genet is the right person to oversee SeeByte's commercial future," said David Lane, SeeByte's CEO. New Zealand-born Genet, 49, is an entrepreneur and private company analyst. WHG Promotes Two Woods Hole Group hired Jim Bajek, Senior Project Manager and Senior Marine Ecologist, and Dr. Heidi Clark, Environmental Scientist. Bajek, who will maintain a Stuart Genet Heidi Clark Jim Bajek MTR#3 (50-64).qxd 3/27/2009 2:45 PM Page 49