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MicroBathymetric (MB) Systems for Offshore In the fall of 2007, BlueView formed a strategic business unit focused on supporting offshore Oil and Gas operations. By delivering next-generation underwater vision solutions, BlueView believes it has a unique opportunity to succeed in an industry where saving hours can result in substantial dollar savings. These savings show up both on-site through increased operational effi- ciency and off-site by providing a new level of 2D and 3D data quality dur- ing decision making processes. Recently, BlueView has brought to market a new line of underwater acoustic line scanners referred to as MicroBathymetric (MB) systems. These systems are designed to create detailed 3D renderings of complex underwater structures and sea bottomThese high-resolution render- ings save significant time by accelerat- ing reliable project decisions and reducing planning errors that can arise from incomplete data and mod- els. Laser line scanners are common- ly used for generating 3D renderings of land based structures, but due to optical attenuation, have limited range in murky water conditions. BlueView's acoustic line scanners can produce similar high-resolution data underwater without the range and turbidity limitations associated with optical systems. These systems also operate much like traditional bathy- metric sonar except at much higher frequencies (MHz region) and much higher resolutions. These acoustic line scanners, which can be deployed from ROV, surface vessels, tripods, and even the smallest UUV, are poised to revolutionize the underwa- ter 3D mapping and rendering mar- ket. BlueView's MB products inter- face with most of the leading bathym- etry software packages used today, making them a drop in replacement or augment for traditional bathyme- try systems. 26 MTR April 2009 Ultra-high resolution 3D rendering of a bicycle in test tank. This new level of detail saves significant time during project planning. MTR#3 (18-33).qxd 4/6/2009 10:13 AM Page 26