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The European wind farm sector is driving higher levels of safety for crews and technicians being trans- ported on planing craft. Crash testing for individual seats and deck fi xings is relevant for craft operating in close proximity to wind turbines and other vessels. Improved ergonomics and ad- justments are required for these seats as passengers are expected to travel further offshore in higher sea states for longer periods. Varying body position during a long journey is important on any mode of transport. When the seat occupant is asleep the whole body needs to be suspended to enable the suspension to do the work. Research is considering whether a recumbent or reclining position is more comfortable and gives better spine protection when conscious bracing is not possible. The Way Forward Linking the man or woman to the task is becoming a requirement for many military and Special Forces or- ganizations. As seat and suspension systems evolve more responsive con- trols and work station layouts with improved ergonomics are part of hu- man factors design. Helmsmen al- ready have joystick steering and throt- tle controls built into the armrest of their seat. Navigators can only work Grand Bahama Shipyard L I M I T E D 6 H U Y L F H V 2 I I H U H G $ R Y $ O C K I N G &