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tapped on the North Slope and offshore areas of the Alaska Arctic,” she said in September. According to the U.S. Gov- ernment itself, the Alaska Outer Continental Shelf consti- tutes one of the world’s largest untapped resources poten- tially reaching as high as 27 billion barrels of oil and 132 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, with the majority being in the Chukchi Sea. In February 2008, the second most successful oil and gas lease sale in the history of the United States took place, covering millions of acres in the Chukchi Sea. The sale raised a record $2.7 billion in revenue. Despite that promise, Davey says that there remain misconceptions about the challenges of living and work- ing and working in the Arctic region. She explains, “Many believe that the logistics that are required to operate safely in the Arctic are substantial and costly. Fairweather rarely wins bids based solely on price and this is because we refuse ARCTIC OPERATIONS “Many believe that the logistics that are required to operate safely in the Arctic are substantial and costly. Fairweather rarely wins bids based solely on price and this is because we refuse to cut corners on safety to meet a price. We sometimes get beat up over price but often still win the business because of our experience and safety record.” Lori Davey, General Manager of Fairweather, LLC November 2014 68 MN MN Nov14 Layout 66-81.indd 68 10/23/2014 10:44:23 AM