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siÞ ed as ÒoilÓ by the US Coast Guard and Transport Canada. PAG ß uids are approved by the US EPA as acceptable EALÕs due to both the rate of biode- gradability and low aquatic toxicity. Superior oxidative stability; PAG hydraulic and gear ß uids offer supe- rior oxidation resistance when com- pared to any other type of synthetic or conventional lubricants. ( see Þ gure A )Lubricating ability; PAGÕs produce less friction than even other synthet- ic ß uids such as synthetic esters or PAOÕs. ( see Þ gure B )Not only do PAG ß uids resist oxi- dation adding to a much longer ß uid life, they are incapable of forming sol- id deposits such as varnish or coking. (see Þ gure C )The Case for PAG?s Beyond these obvious beneÞ ts, PA Gs demonstrate Superior load car- rying ability, Superior thermal stabil- ity (withstanding temperatures up to 250 F), Material compatibility, are Þ re resistant and are not only heavier than water (speciÞ c gravity of approximate- ly 1.03), but also dissolve readily when mixed with water. Since these prod- ucts completely dissolve and dissipate when discharged into water, they do not form an oil slick that can contami-nate seabirds, beavers, otters or foul shorelines and contaminate marshes. The slick itself, regardless of the toxic- ity or biodegradability of the oil in the event of a spill accounts for much of the initial mortality in marine wildlife in the initial stages of the discharge.One of the reasons the US EPA en- acted the ÔClean Water Act of 1990Ó and the ÒNon-sheening regulation 40 CFR 435Ó was to try to reduce the en- vironmental impact of any type of free oil ß oating in the surface of the wa- ter. If the ß uid is neither a hazardous chemical and is not considered oil, it is exempt from this act as well as OPA 90 oil spill cleanup regulations. This will not only reduce or eliminate Þ nes but can dramatically reduce the scope and costs associated with aquatic oil spill cleanup procedures and remediation. PAGÕs can be designed and tailored achieve certain characteristics or ca- pabilities in order to perform very speciÞ c functions or performance requirements to suit the application (ÒdesignedÓ, not reÞ ned).Finally, PAG ß uids are suited to the marine environment. They have very minimal or a negligible reaction to the presence of moisture or water, so corro- sive acids and gums are not produced, REGULATORY MN 51MN Dec2013 Layout 50-58.indd 51MN Dec2013 Layout 50-58.indd 5111/25/2013 1:23:20 PM11/25/2013 1:23:20 PM