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polyurethane skin and neoprene rub guard provide excel- lent abrasion resistance yet soft interface when coming in contact with Þ xed piers or moving vessels. For TYMÕs conÞ guration, however, a necessary inherent feature for their boat was the ability to provide Þ eld repair and replacement of the collar. Their customized Deck Ring receiver (using commercially available product) incorpo- rates bolt rope extrusions top and bottom which provide attachment points for sliding the collar assembly on and off the boat. The foam core and sheathing can be installed rel- atively easily from bow or stern. Final insertion and inß a-tion of the entrained bladder complete the installation and provide the Þ nal tightness for service. Moreover, all parts are standardized and interchangeable among sister-craft. TYMÕs RHIB Collar is their adaptation of a WING product offering. In a nutshell, the concept works well for the customer, since its characteristics satisfy many of their unique criteria. The Indian Navy asked that it be Þ eld re- pairable and replaceable, and it is. Their troops must be able to repair and replace the boatÕs collars with minimal tools and maximum efÞ ciency and without down time to a ser- vice center. TYM shop riggers install the collars on the ß oor with soap and rope in a matter of hours, and without special tools. TYM accommodated the unusual request by carefully installing and aligning the installation tracks on every boat to facilitate simple, repeatable, trouble-free extraction of old collars and introduction of replacement collars. Non-deß atable, puncture resistant, and repairable in the Þ eld, the proÞ le of the collar is not dependent on the blad- der and to some degree the cross-section may be tailored to Þ t the vessel. The new 36RHIB has recently undergone sea trials for the Indian Navy. MN October2013 Layout 32-49.indd 47MN October2013 Layout 32-49.indd 479/30/2013 11:34:36 AM9/30/2013 11:34:36 AM