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patented binder technology ensuring consistent performance levels and fouling control for in-service periods of up to 60 months. Fully compliant with the IMO AFS Convention, the product is suitable for a wide range of vessel types and con- tains an ultra-high volume solids con- tent of 70% - thus reducing potential VOC emissions. SIGMA ECOFLEET 690 has been formulated to be easy to apply, increasing productivity and re- ducing overall maintenance costs. Speci? cally addressing the challeng- es encountered by shortsea shipping, offshore and coastal operators, Sijmen Visser said, Aggressive hull fouling is a problem for shipowners operating in coastal and short-sea trades where vessels can be inactive more than 50% of the time. SIGMA ECOFLEET 690 has been designed speci? cally to deliver high-quality, self-polishing antifouling for vessels with low activ- ity and/or those operating in waters where fouling is known to be a par- ticular problem.? PPG: GLOBAL COVERAGE , FULL RANGE OF APPLICATIONS Whatever your particular coatings challenge, its a good bet that PPG has a solution designed speci? cally for that area. Regulations, fuel economy, and operational ef? ciencies ? they all drive the development of todays marine coatings. In a year where all three of those variables have come into play in a big way ? PPG has also stepped up with three marine coatings that address each of those challenges in a speci? c way. And, thats PPG ? by the numbers. mmÜÜWW==EEPPPPTTFFOOPPTTJJRRMMNNNN ccññWW==EEPPPPTTFF==UUPPTTJJTTTTUURRbbWW==ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇÑÑääììëëÜÜÉÉêê]]~~ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇíí~~ååââKKÅÅççããttÉÉÄÄWW==ïïïïïïKK~~ÜÜÉÉ~~ÇÇíí~~ååââKKÅÅççãã + +==``ÜÜÉÉããááÅÅ~~ää==ooÉÉëëááëëíí~~ååíí== + +==ooììëëíí==CC==``ççêêêêççëëááççåå==mmêêççççÑÑ==== + +==llÇÇççêê==ccêêÉÉÉÉ== + +==aaììêê~~ÄÄääÉÉ== + +==``ççããéé~~ÅÅíí==== + +==iiááÖÖÜÜíí==ttÉÉááÖÖÜÜííqqóóééÉÉ==ffff==ppÉÉïï~~ÖÖÉÉ==qqêêÉÉ~~ííããÉÉååíí==mmää~~ååíí==EEppqqmmFFrp=`ç~ëí=dì~êÇ=`ÉêíáÑáÉÇ~åÇ=fjl=OMNM=^ééêçîÉÇqqÜÜÉÉááëë==ÅÅççååëëííêêììÅÅííÉÉÇÇ==ççÑÑ==eeÉÉ~~îîóódd~~ììÖÖÉÉ==iiii==mmççääóóÉÉííÜÜÉÉääóóååÉÉ==ììëëááååÖÖ==ííÜÜÉÉ==ããççëëíí~~ÇÇîî~~ååÅÅÉÉÇÇ==ëëíí~~ííÉÉJJççÑÑJJííÜÜÉÉJJ~~êêíí==êêççíí~~ííááççåå~~ääããççääÇÇááååÖÖ==ééêêççÅÅÉÉëëëë==ÅÅêêÉÉ~~ííááååÖÖ==~~==ììååááíí==ííÜÜ~~íí==ááëëWW + +==iiççïï==jj~~ááååííÉÉåå~~ååÅÅÉÉSijmen Visser, PPGs Global Marketing Manager for Marine Products MN MN Sept2013 Layout 82-95.indd 918/29/2013 4:28:02 PM