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on deck. With the click of a mouse, operators can see if the deck is fully loaded. Can one more stop be made to maximize the inbound trip? Be- yond this, the use of safety equipment can be spot-checked. Unsafe condi- tions can be spotted in almost real time and eliminated.ENGINE MONITORING This service, developed by ESSI, provides temperature, pressure, RPM and fuel information for remote view- ing from anywhere there is an inter- net location. Users can see the most recent poll of information or request a real-time poll of all information in- cluding alerts. The system also pro- duces historical graphs to show macro trending over time. The timing and management of the data can be cus-tomized and is independent of engine make or model. ENTERPRISE PACKAGE DELIVERY (EPD)This web-enabled content broad- cast service, developed by Hughes, transforms any maritime VSAT net- work to a private broadcast network. EPD can be used to deliver any kind of content, such as security software updates, safety or equipment manu-als, charts, training videos, etc. EPD allows the user to set up broadcast groups and schedule data for delivery to any PC or device on the vessel and can even attach an executable com- mand. Overhead bandwidth is used to ensure normal operation is not af- fected by the broadcast. EPD reports successfully delivered content and will rebroadcast until each package is delivered in case a vessel is not on the network. Instead of sending out thumb drives, or CDs and waiting for crew changes; or multiple point- to-point connections, vessel operators can use this one simple tool to control content over large ß eets. CONTENT FILTERING This service applies corporate inter- net use polices to the vessels. It can be created by region or vessel and can be changed at anytime. ON DEMAND STREAMING (ODS)ODS is a technology unique to Hughes Maritime Broadband that Òre- servesÓ bandwidth for any identiÞ able application. It is the next higher level of bandwidth management as com-pared to ÒPrioritizationÓ or ÒGuar- anteedÓ bandwidth. ODS reserves a private Committed Information Rate (CIR) immediately upon recogniz- New Orleans(504) 780-8100 ? Fax (504) 780-8200Norfolk(757) 545-0100 ? Fax (757) 545-8004Houston(281) 452-5887 ? Fax (281) 452-9682www.mcdonoughmarine.comwww.mcdonoughmarine.comLARGEST RENTAL FLEET OF SPUD, DECK AND MATERIAL BARGESBARGES 60 TO 400 LENGTHBARGES 60 TO 400 LENGTH? 16 Fleeting locations inland rivers, Gulf, East and West Coast ? Inland and Ocean towing services LARGEST RENTAL FLEET OF SPUD, DECK AND MATERIAL MN 41MN April2013 Layout 32-49.indd 41MN April2013 Layout 32-49.indd 414/1/2013 12:26:58 PM4/1/2013 12:26:58 PM