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CDI Marine of Glen Burnie, MD. In smaller sea states, the X-Bow, with more volume up forward and high up over the waterline, absorbs the motions of ship through the added buoyancy of the hull. A controlled submergence eliminates green water on deck, lessening the loads and accelerations associated with that. Markedly reduced hull (and crew) fatigue and more efÞ cient propulsion are key beneÞ ts. Depending on the sea state, this allows signiÞ cantly higher speeds and signiÞ cantly better fuel consumption. The vesselÕs wide range of expected mission mix will demand that the vessel be Þ tted with a diesel electric propulsion system. The scalable hull is built in various sizes; from 85 meters all the way up to 130 meters, with a 16 meter beam and up. The Coast Guard version will probably entail a 100 meter LOA design with a beam of 54Õ. With accommodations planned for 126 to handle a myriad of missions and a crew size of about 90, this OPC hull will replace both the 210Õ medium endurance cutter and the larger 270Õ medium endurance cutter. Global Marine Power, LLC is a marine and stationary power plant equipment supply and repair company. We carry a very large inventory of engine spares turbocharges/spares, compressors and centrifuges. Having a large inventory of engine spares means we can ship at short notice.? marine engines and spares ? power plant spares ? turbochargers and spares ? compressors & refrigeration ? centrifuges and spares ? hydraulic motors and pumps We specialize in Bergen - Normo, Wartsila, MaK and Deutz Engine Spares GlobalMarinePower.commarine engines ? power plants ? turbochargers6720 C Mayfair StHouston, TX 77087 USAt: +1 713 640 9300f: +1 713 640 Global Marine Power MN Apr12.indd 12/27/2012 9:33:51 MN 31