View non-flash version MN49MSRCs Deep Blue expansion pro- gram. Additionally, MSRC has acquired 21,000 feet of fire boom to pre-stage in the Gulf of Mexico, which is estimated to be the largestsingle inventory of fire boom owned by any spill response company in the world. HOWIT WORKSMSRC modifications to certain tonnage, along with the large capaci-ties of these vessels, provide a signifi- cant reinforcement to MSRCs already impressive fleet of dedicated OSRVs. Under normal circum- stances, the five PSVs and MPSVs will continue to support the compa- nies to which they are chartered; however, in the event of a significant spill incident, the intent is that theywould be released from such service and mobilize to respond for MSRCs customer. With the addition of these vessels, MSRC can support customers with 17 open ocean response and recovery vessels. MSRC also has other open ocean response capabilities that can be cascaded during a significantrelease, as occurred during Deepwater Horizon in 2010. Setting MSRC apart from other responders is perhaps its dedicated response mission. The organization has no other business sectors. MPA Members have always been commit- ted to funding comprehensive spill response programs to ensure the availability of robust response capa- bilities beyond base regulatory requirements,? said MPA President and CEO, Brett Drewry. Steve Benz, added, We appreciate the commit- ment of the MPA member companies operating in the Gulf to fund this substantial increase in capability. Without question, MSRC continues to have the largest capability in the Gulf and nationwide. The commitment extends not onlyto the initial investment in these new capabilities, but the on-going operat-ing costs and added personnel neces-sary to sustain our operations.? DEEPROOTS & BRIGHTFUTUREMSRC is the largest standby oil spill and emergency response company in the United States. Founded in 1990, it is a not-for-profit entity that is sole- ly funded by the Marine Preservation Association (MPA) through its mem- ber companies. These companies include Gulf of Mexico operators: Anadarko, Apache, BP, Chevron, Cobalt, ConocoPhillips, Energy Resource Technology, ExxonMobil, Murphy, Nexen, Noble, Shell and Statoil. Focused solely on and directing 100 percent of its efforts towards response, MSRC meets and exceeds all regulatory requirements. In the choppy wake of the EXXON VALDEZ oil spill, and in an effort to improve the safety and environmental protections in connection with bring- ing such products to market, Congress enacted the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA-90). The Acts numerous provisions, including specific requirements for those engaged in the handling, stor-age, and transport of oil and petrole- um products to "ensure by contract . . . private personnel and equipment necessary to remove to the maximum extent practicable a worst-case dis-charge," are at the heart of the MSRC mission.Now, and in the roiled wake of another similar incident, MSRC finds itself out and in front of the regulato- ry process with Gulf Coast capabili- ties that are arguably unmatched any- where else in the world. If the GOM Deepwater stays blue in a post- Macondo world, then MSRC will probably be part of the reason why. Global Marine Power, LLC is a marine and stationary power plant equipment supply and repair company. We carry a very large inventory of engine spares turbocharges/spares, compressors and centrifuges. Having a large inventory of engine spares means we can ship at short notice.? marine engines and spares ? power plant spares ? turbochargers and spares ? compressors & refrigeration ? centrifuges and spares ? hydraulic motors and pumps We specialize in Bergen - Normo, Wartsila, MaK and Deutz Engine Spares GlobalMarinePower.commarine engines ? power plants ? turbochargers6720 C Mayfair StHouston, TX 77087 USAt: +1 713 640 9300f: +1 713 640