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Engines Inc MR May14.indd 1 5/2/2014 11:29:39 AM
we’ve seen has been the shift towards
more effi cient and greener ships. As you
say, this is happening both as a result
of market forces such as bunker prices,
as well as new regulations such as the
EEDI. It’s only been a few years since
the industry really started to work to-
wards innovating more effi cient vessels,
but we’re already seeing very impressive
improvements in terms of improved fuel
effi ciency and EEDI scores. At the same
time, new GHG reduction technologies
like air lubrication, and new low friction
paints are just now entering commercial
use. We’re now seeing the fi rst fruits of
efforts towards GHG reduction, and I
think that we’ll see even more impres-
sive technology, and even greater ben-
efi ts in the years to come.
Philippe Donche-Gay, BV
Size is the big thing. Chasing econo-
mies of scale by building bigger contain-
erships has posed massive challenges
for designers, yards and class. We have
invested heavily in tools to understand
and analyze structures for these ships.
Size is an issue that will not go away and
we have to stay ahead of it by working
harder on structural fatigue.
Roberto P. Cazzulo, RINA
There is a set of regulations that may
affect, in a positive manner, shipown-
ers’ earnings this year and in the future.
It is about ship’s energy effi ciency that
is much wider than just green house gas
(GHG) emissions and includes any sort
of fuel savings and means to enhance en-
ergy effi ciency. The IMO EEDI regula-
tion for new ships is entering into force
and will become more and more demand-
ing. Phase 3, foreseeing a 30% reduction
with respect to current EEDI baseline
by 2020, will require innovative designs
and technologies used on board. IACS
will reiterate its proposal to establish
an IMO EEDI database for future veri-
fi cation of new ship performance. Class
societies may record these data during
the new building verifi cation and sea tri-
als. This matter is linked to the present
booming of new so-called “ECO-ships”
that are entering the market. The speci-
fi cation of these ECO-ships is not fully
consistent and their actual performance
needs to be proved during operation. It
is the reason why we are closely follow-
ing the development of monitoring, re-
porting and verifi cation regulations for
existing ships. Hopefully, the IMO will
play a leading role on these issues, in the
context of SEEMP regulations.
Tim Protheroe, LR
The simple fact of uncertainty or
multiple options in fuel and propulsion
choices is driving change where previ-
ously, for most, there was little choice.
But perspective is important – for most,
change will be gradual. Effi ciencies are
being captured but most important is a
change in attitude – within a short space
of time fuel has become the big OPEX
factor and, combined, with emissions
regulation, the industry is changing the
way it behaves. Our role is to help the
industry make the best possible com-
mercial decisions based on the technical
insight and expertise we offer.
MR #5 (42-49).indd 45 5/2/2014 11:32:08 AM
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