14 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • MAY 2014
KOC’s New Damen Tug
The Kuwait Oil Company’s (KOC) new
ASD Tug 3212 was launched at Damen
Shipyards Galati, Romania. The contract
consists of two vessel types, comprising
nine units based on the Damen ASD
3212 model, providing 80t bollard pull,
and fi ve examples of the ASD 2810
design, providing 50t bollard pull. The
new tugs will assist tankers at near
shore loading terminals and at the new
single point moorings further offshore.
As such, they will also be equipped with
FiFi systems.
Trafuco 7 for
Total Lubmarine
Total Lubmarine named the new-
est addition to its fl eet, Trafuco 7 at
a ceremony at The Port of Antwerp.
Trafuco 7 is a 795 cu. m. capacity barge
divided into six compartments that will
transport oils, system oils and trunk
piston engine oils, including the Talusia,
Aurelia, Atlanta and Disola ranges,
with a minimum order of 2,000 liters
per grade. The vessel will serve The
Port of Antwerp, and will be operated
using Total Lubmarine’s Bioneptan and
Biomultis biolubricants for the stern
tube, bow thruster and deck equipment,
while voluntarily adhering to the port’s
Environmental Ship Index (ESI) scheme.
MT Nigel Gee (BMT), a subsidiary of BMT
Group, and Ares Shipyard announced that the fi rst
two boats of a series of eight luxury passenger
ferries destined for Qatar, have been completed and de-
livered to the customer. BMT worked with Ares Shipyard
to produce an innovative design with attention to ease of
construction. This has allowed the fi rst two vessels to be
delivered to the customer less than seven months after ini-
tial discussions on the project. The remaining six vessels
will be delivered over the next four months with four cur-
rently in the building stage. The new boats are designed to
transport guests to the new Anantara Doha Island Resort
& Spa, 11km east of Doha. At 18m long with a beam of
6.7m, the composite catamaran design can carry up to 51
passengers. The vessel is capable of a maximum speed of
29 knots, and a service speed of 22 knots meaning that
a typical passage from Doha to the resort will be in the
region of 16 minutes.
Luxury Passenger Ferry
Image cour
tesy BMT
obert Allan said that Keppel Singmarine
Brasil Ltda. (KSMB), of Navegantes, Bra-
zil completed construction of the 24m SMIT
Pareci, the second of a series of six Robert Allan de-
signed RAmparts 2500 tugs, for SMIT Rebocadores
do Brasil (Rebras), of Rio de Janeiro. Robert Allan
Ltd. worked with SMIT Rebras to develop this latest
series, with signifi cant changes including new en-
gines complying with the latest IMO emissions stan-
dards, a new double drum towing winch and staple,
a larger wheelhouse, a new streamlined skeg. Pow-
ered by a pair of CAT 3512C HD high-speed engines
(1,379 kW @ 1600 rpm), this power is transmitted
via a straight line shafting system to a pair of Schot-
tel SRP 1012 fi xed pitch azimuthing thrusters with
2100 mm diameter propellers in nozzles.
Brazil Yard Delivers RAmparts Tug
Photo: Rober
t Allan Ltd.
o: Damen
o: T
tal L
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