74 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News ? APRIL 2013 approximately 700 in Amsterdam, and the remaining six were conducted live via satellite from the Neptun Shipyard in Germany. * Two of the 10 Viking Longships ships to be inaugurated on March 20 entered service in the summer of 2012 without an ofÞ cial christening ceremony. Brazilian Navy Selects Paramarine Paramarine marine design software, developed by QinetiQ GRC, has been selected by the Brazilian Navy for use in the design of a specialist offshore support vessel on behalf of Petrobras . The eventual ß eet of boats will be used to service Petrobras?s extensive off- shore oil Þ elds. The Brazilian Navy has the largest navy in Latin America, with more 100 vessels, including an aircraft carrier, with many more in construction including nuclear submarines. DSME Selects Intergraph Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine En-gineering Company Limited (DSME) has selected Intergraph SmartPlant En- terprise solutions for operations and maintenance data handover of the IN-PEX Ichthys LNG Project in Australia. INPEX, operator of the Ichthys LNG Project, had chosen Korea-based DSME to construct a giant ß oating production, storage and ofß oading (FPSO) vessel, which is worth approximately $2 billion. INPEX speciÞ ed the use of SmartPlant Enterprise solutions across all engineer- ing disciplines for this project. DSME will implement Intergraph technology enterprise-wide, including SmartPlant Foundation, SmartPlant Instrumenta-tion, SmartPlant Electrical, SmartPlant P&ID, SmartPlant Reference Data and Standard Database, for the engineering, procurement, manufacturing and con-struction of the FPSO. MECO Builds Second Shipboard Desalination SystemThe OfÞ ce of Naval Research (ONR) se- lected MECO to build a new prototype desalination system, the second time that ONR has turned to MECO. ONR awarded MECO the construction of a 100,000 gpd system to be demonstrated on an LHA Amphibious Assault Ship. The new system, a 4,000 gdp unit, joins the 100,000 gpd as part of multiphase ONR Future Naval Capability program aimed at introducing new desalina-tion capabilities to the Navy ß eet. The MECO plant is designed to minimize sailor intervention for operation and maintenance while improving reliability and life cycle costs for the Navy. The prototype will be demonstrated at the U.S. Navy Seawater Desalination Test Facility in Port Hueneme, California, later this year. Korean Register Goes Mobile The Korean Register of Shipping launched a new app called SMART Fleet, which is available on Android and iOS platforms that delivers up-to-the-minute information on vessels, ß eets, surveys, audits, port state control and more. Two levels of information are available. The ordinary user can view basic informa-tion while companies that own or oper- ate KR classed ships are given visibility over the full range of data. Other useful functions incorporated in SMART-Fleet include a push notiÞ cation system used to receive urgent messages concerning PSC detentions and technical updates as well as a surveyor locator which uses location based services technology to identify the KR survey ofÞ ce nearest to the phone user. Mantsbrite Wins Contract Mantsbrite, a distributor of electronic marine navigation and communication products, won the contract to Þ t out the next Tidal Transit offshore wind farm personnel transfer vessel Tia Elizabeth. All the navigation and communication equipment for the Þ rst two vessels in the Tidal Transit ß eet - Ginny Louise and Eden Rose - was supplied and installed by Mantsbrite, and the speciÞ cation for ?Tia Elizabeth? remains unchanged with the exception of the addition of a state-of-the-art seabed monitoring system and the use of new ultra sonic wind sensors.NEWSPEOPLE & COMPANIES MR #4 (66-74).indd 74MR #4 (66-74).indd 744/2/2013 5:07:58 PM4/2/2013 5:07:58 PM
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