pending dual canopy structure
which is reversible prior to the
occupant's entry into the rafts.
The SeaSmart vertical pillar in the
reversible raft automatically
serves as a means to elevate the
dual sided canopy to the most
appropriate position.
Toronto, Canada, is the site for
DNVs newest district office which
will work in conjunction with
offices in Vancouver, Montreal and
Halifax to promote DNV's full
range of products and services in
the area.
"Building on our traditional
maritime activities, DNV will pro-
mote Accredited Quality System
Certification (AQSC) services, Loss
Control Management (LCM), Risk
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Offshore Technical Advisory ser-
vices (TAS) to the Canadian mar-
un**: •
* H ^ X G: 4» 'ytirtBgi maintenance and repair, Vancouver Shipyards
^J^Mfll " is at the ready, on the ways,
i^P*^ J alongside or at sea.
50 Pemberton Avenue
North Vancouver
British Columbia V7P 2R2
Telephone: (604) 988-6361 -
Fax: (604) 990-3290
Circle 359 on Reader Service Card
offshore systems ltd.
Leading the way with
w ecpinsl hat do the following companies have in common?
• Algoma Central Marine
«American Steamship Co.
• BC Ferry Corporation
»Canadian Navy
I • CP Ferries
• Marine Atlantic
•Upper Lakes Group Inc.
• USS Great LAkes Fleet Inc.
• Ontario Northlands
• United States Navy
• Great Lakes Transport Ltd.
• Canada Steamship Line
• Canadian Coast Guard
• Chevron Shipping Co.
• Clipper Cruise Line
• Imperial Oil
• United States Coast Guard
• Pacific Marine Training Inst.
•American Maritime Officers Training Institute
Their vessels are equipped with GCpiflS and are I
part of the largest ECDIS installation base in the
Visit our Website for more information.
off/hore /y/fcem/ ltd.
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Providing commercial legal services on a global basis with
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Laurent Fortier
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Based in Montreal, specializing in all shipping, insurance,
transportation, regulatory and international trade matters.
1155 Rene'-Le'vesque Blvd. W.
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3B 3V2
Tel: (514) 397-3000
Circle 403 on Reader Service Card
Call or fax for free brochure:
Phone 1-800-428-0212
Fax 1-800-470-9611
ComNav Marine Ltd.
1915 Stainsbury Avenue
Vancouver, BC, Canada V5N 2M6
Circle 232 on Reader Service Card
kets," country manager Paul
Bishop explained.
The Port of Prince Rupert
The Port of Prince Rupert is cur-
rently making substantial
(Continued on next page)
For more information on the companies list-
ed in this review, circle the appropriate
number on the Reader Service Card in this
Albacore Research ltd. (ARL) 22
Allied Shipbuilders Ltd 62
Applied High Technology Corp. (AHT Corp.) . .23
Autonav Marine Systems 63
Brookdale International Systems 24
Canadian Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd.
(CS&E) 25
Clarke Chapman Canada 26
ComNav Marine Ltd 27
DataStar Marine Products Inc 29
Davie Industries Inc 30
DBC Marine Safety System 31
DNV Canada 32
Fleet Technology Limited 33
Formglas Inc 34
G.T.R. Campbell Marine Consultants Ltd 35
Harbour & Marine Engineering 36
Hermont Marine 37
The Institute for Marine Dynamics 38
International Communication and Navigation Ltd.
(ICAN) 39
Marine Safe Electronic 40
MGI International Marine 41
Offshore Systems Ltd 42
Prince Rupert Port Corporation 43
Seaborne Information Technologies Ltd 65
Siemens Marine Group 66
Simpson Power Products 67
Stikeman Elliot 68
Stork Canada Inc 69
Stone Marine Canada 70
United Marine Communications Inc 71
Western Machine Works 64
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Circle 305 on Reader Service Card
Digital Wave Publishing