ARCO, BP Put Call Out For
Additional Capacity
Pool Energy Services Co.
received two separate letters of
intent which will require the
upgrade of two currently idle
Alaska land drilling rigs for opera-
tion on the North Slope under
term contracts. The company also
said it agreed to purchase the
Oceandril Ranger, a jack-up
workover rig located in the Gulf of
Mexico, from Oceandril Partners
LC for about $8.2 million. It is
expected that the purchase will be
completed within 30 days and
operations will commence soon
thereafter. Pool Energy received a
letter of intent from ARCO Alaska
Inc. authorizing material and
equipment procurement for
upgrading Rig 6, an Arctic explo-
ration drilling rig, to a develop-
ment drilling rig configuration, at
an estimated cost of $15 million.
Following these modifications, the
rig is expected to commence year-
round drilling operations in the
Kuparuk area of the North Slope
in the summer of 1998 under a
three-year contract. The company
also received a letter of intent from
BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. call-
ing for the conversion of Rig 122, a
land drilling rig designed for oper-
ations in South Alaska, to an
Arctic exploration drilling rig at an
estimated cost of $5.2 million.
After refurbishment, this rig is
expected to start operations east of
Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope in
early 1998 under a five-year con-
make use of the improved graphi-
cal handling of Tribon. This
means modeled components will
automatically be updated in all
active views, including color-shad-
ed views. Extended functionality
has been implemented for the
physical breakdown of modeled
objects to assemblies; for example,
a whole block may be split into two
by an arbitrary plane.
A new Quick Nesting function
has been implemented, which,
together with other enhance-
ments, is designed to lead to
increased productivity.
Tribon Work Preparation
includes a number of improve-
ments with respect to the handling
of outfitting and complex hull
parts, which allow for more flexi-
bility to reflect a shipyard's pro-
duction environment in the assem-
bly definition. KCS reports that
the ease and speed of defining the
breakdown of a ship into assem-
blies has been improved by the
introduction of a file import and
export facility for assembly tree
Finally, a new Color Shading
option makes it possible to use the
true 3-D solid representation for
viewing and modeling the Tribon
Product Information Model.
This option makes use of the
OpenGL, which is a vendor-neu-
tral, multi-platform industry stan-
dard for 2-D and 3-D visualization.
For more information on Tribon 4
Circle 2 on Reader Service Card
The Tribon Product Information Model. Pictured is a section of the KDX Frigate, built by Daewoo's
Special and Naval Shipbuilding Division, and launched at the Okpo Shipyard last year.
Thursday, October 16:
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Friday, October 17:
9 am to 5 pm
Saturday, October 18:
9 am to 1 pm
During the 1997
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the Annual Meeting, contact:
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Circle 343 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Digital Wave Publishing