General Dynamics, NNS To Cooperatively Build New Attack Submari
Electric Boat Corp., a subsidiary
of General Dynamics, and Newport
News Shipbuilding (NNS) have —
"at the urging of the U.S. Navy" —
reached a teaming agreement to
cooperatively build the Navy's new
attack submarine, NSSN.
Under the terms of the agree-
ment the companies will be equal
team members in construction of
each of the first four submarines in
this new class. This requires an
alteration to existing law, con-
tained in last year's Defense
Authorization Act, which directs
independent submarine construc-
tion by the two yards.
Electric Boat will perform final
assembly, testing, outfitting and
delivery of the first and third sub-
marines. For all four submarines,
Electric Boat will construct the
engine room modules, command
and control modules, and seven
other sections of the ship. Electric
Boat will continue its role as lead
design yard. NNS will perform
final assembly, testing, outfitting
and delivery of the second and
fourth submarines. For all four
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Circle 225 on Reader Service Card
submarines, NNS will constrc
the sail, the habitability and aux
iary machinery room modules ai
six other sections. The previoi
construction plan would have ha
the two companies working indt
pendently, with each building tw
of the four submarines.
For more information on NNS
Circle 198 on Reader Service Card
For more information on Electric Boat
Circle 197 on Reader Service Card
Marine Electronics Merger
Creates New Player
Simrad and Kongsberg
Norcontrol, two Norway-based
electronic equipment suppliers,
merged on January 1 of this year
to form Kongsberg Maritime.
Kongsberg Norcontrol's primary
market is merchant shipping, and
its systems are reportedly
installed on more than 3,000 ves-
sels worldwide. The company is
also a supplier of vessel traffic
management systems (VTS).
Simrad manufactures electronic
equipment for the offshore oil and
ocean science sectors as well as for
fishing craft and yachts.
Kongsberg Maritime has report-
edly won a shuttle tanker order,
which will be built by Astilleros
Espanoles Sestao, and will com-
bine Kongsberg Simrad's dynamic
positioning and process control
with Kongsberg Norcontrol's inte-
grated bridge system.
Ashland Debuts New
Combustion Analyzer
Ashland Chemical's Drew
Marine Division has introduced
the Diesel Performance Analyzer
(DPA), a PC-based cylinder and
injection pressure monitoring sys-
tem designed to facilitate timely,
accurate diagnosis of engine condi-
tions. DPA is for use on all types of
two-stroke engines, as well as four-
stroke medium-speed engines with
a maximum of 1,500 rpm. The sys-
tem uses a PC or laptop, with
either MS.DOS or Windows ver-
sion 3.1 or 95 software. Software
can also be customized to fit specif-
ic needs. Data collection for mea-
suring combustion pressure is
accomplished with a pressure sen-
sor and two permanently fitted
inductive magnetic sensors that
obtain rpm and crankshaft angle
data from the flywheel.
For more information on DPA
Circle 196 on Reader Service Card
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