T echnology and the maritime industry, at times, seem strange bedfel-lows. While a number of advances on the vessel design and equip-ment fronts have been made in recent years, some owners and oper-
ators are reluctant to invest in new systems, opting for the business-as-usual
course, unless forced, by new legislation, to change.
The tanker industry is one such segment that has been required to adopt
innovative technological solutions, under intense public and industry scruti-
ny. While the safe transport of oil is the norm, it takes only one incident to
give the industry a long-lasting black eye. This month's Tanker Technology report, from David
Tinsley, examines recent efforts by shipbuilders to integrate the latest technological means to ensure
the optimum design and build of safe and efficient ships. Coverage starts on page 38.
On the new design front, Hvide, Elliott Bay Design Group and Halter Marine have teamed up
to build a new design Ship Docking Module. Touted by Erik Hvide as "the first major break-
through in tugboat design in nearly 100 years," the vessel features twin Z-drives and will cost
approximately $4.8 million to build. This story is a part of this month's Offshore/Shallow Draft
coverage, which starts on page 54.
Two articles which appear separately this month, but actually go hand-in-hand, are the Ship
Repair Guide (pg. 32) and the Coatings & Corrosion Control Review (pg. 65). These two sections
graphically illustrate how prudent management of vessel maintenance schedules contribute to long-
term life and productivity.
Lastly, I would like to welcome aboard David Tinsley as MR/EN's contributing Technical
Editor. Many of you may be familiar with Mr. Tinsleys work, as he has spent more than 20 years
in marine publishing. This tenure has included stints as Deputy Editor o/~Fairplay Intl. and as
Editor o/Lloyd's Ship Manager. His presence on staff is exciting, and his editorial insights should
prove to be an invaluable resource to MR/EN's 30,000+ readers.
Gregory R. Trauthwein, Editorial Director
Please contact me with any comments regarding the publication and/or news leads at:
tel: (212) 477-6700; fax: (212) 254-6271; or e-mail: trauthwein@marinelink.com.
COMING NEXT MONTH IN Maritime Reporter...
> GERMAN MARITIME REVIEW: Shipbuilders and equipment suppliers respond
to challenges with market-driven, technologically advanced solutions.
• SHALLOW DRAFT ANNUAL: A focus on trends in the North American
inland, coastal and Great Lakes waterways markets.
Technical Editor David Tinsley's feature article wi II be accompa-
nied by reviews of recently introduced equipment.
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118 E. 25th St., NY, NY 10010
Tel: (212) 477-6700; Fax: (212) 254-6271;
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