human failure. More attention
during the design of painting spec-
ifications and intensified inspec-
tions during application of coat-
ings system can save repair and
maintenance costs. Once a vessel
is in service, inspections by inde-
pendent experts can disclose possi-
ble coatings failures at an early
TNO Institute of Industrial
Technology is a fully independent
R&D organization involved in
application research, testing, mea-
surement and examination of coat-
ings performance.
For more information on TNO
Circle 39 on Reader Service Card
Ameron And Valspar Sign
Acquisition Agreement
Ameron International Corp. has
signed an agreement to acquire the
maintenance coatings business of
major coatings manufacturer
Valspar Corp. In turn, Valspar will
acquire Ameron's product finishes
business, which includes both liq-
uid and powder coatings. The
Valspar maintenance coatings
business reported sales of $18 mil-
lion in 1996, and the Ameron prod-
uct finishes business reported
sales of $16 million. Among the
Valspar products to be manufac-
tured by Ameron are Val-Chem
epoxy primers, enamels and seal-
ers; Dura/Tile water epoxies; MZ
series inorganic, zinc-rich coat-
ings; Valkote enamels; Hi-Heat
coatings; and moisture-cured ure-
thanes. According to Ameron
Chairman, President and CEO
James S. Marlen, the proposed
exchange is in keeping with
Ameron's objectives of sustaining
growth and continuing to improve
profitability. "We continue to seek
strategically attractive acquisi-
tions like this one, as well as mar-
keting alliances, in all our busi-
nesses," commented Mr. Marlen.
For more information on Ameron
Circle 48 on Reader Service Card
PPI Offers No-Sweat Epoxy
Coatings System
Progressive Products, Inc. (PPI),
distributors of epoxy coatings,
sealers and adhesives manufac-
tured by Thin Film Technology,
Inc. (TFT), has released a no-sweat
version of its epoxy Bio-Flor sys-
tem. This system consists of a sol-
vent-free, two-part epoxy base coat
with option non-skid quartz under
a second coat of the Bio-Flor epoxy.
The Bio-Flor system has reported-
ly been widely used on loading
docks and in material handling
facilities. The no-sweat version of
Bio-Flor uses a modified version of
the epoxy for the bottom coat. This
version reportedly enhances the
flooring system's ability to reduce
or eliminate the dangerous sweat-
ing of large, concrete masses such
as loading docks and bays, when
temperatures change.
For more information
Circle 43 on Reader Service Card
Wasser Opens Distribution
Center In Midwest
Wasser High-Tech Coatings has
opened a distribution center in the
1 1 j TT O fTTL. _ J
technology makes it possible to
deploy completely automated work
modules on large vertical surfaces
while eliminating scaffolding and
to wall surface irregularities.
For more information
Circle 63 on Reader Service Card
Sass & Assoc. as its agency of
record. U.S. Paint produces
marine and aviation coatings that
brightwork protection, Awlspar
classic spar varnish and Awlstar
ant.i-fmilincr ——
i. cu • : ^—J o• i J r^ \
Amerguide® quick stripping
shipboard cables are designed for
easy, reduced cost installations.
Amerguide features a flexible cross-linked polyolefin outer
jacket and rubber-based water blocking material. Available in a
multitude of conductor sizes^pd configurations to match your
• Low Smoke
\ Non-Halogen
Armored or Unarmored
• Mil-C-24643/14,15,16,17,19,22
Distributed exclusively by
Digital Wave Publishing