Team Of Industry Leaders
Creates Assault RIB
A project led by a company called
Team One has, with a group of
marine industry leaders — Ameri-
can Eagle Mfg., Caterpillar Inc.,
and North American Marine Jet —
created the Team One GB36 Rigid
Inflatable Boat (RIB) assault craft.
American Eagle Mfg., Inc.,
LaConner, Wash., constructed the
37-ft. (11.3-m) RIB, with a 3/8-inch
boat bottom and solid foam collar.
CHEM:PLEX Binds Asbestos'
Power To Harm
CHEM:PLEX Environmental
Products, Inc. of Neptune, N.J. mar-
kets CHEM-.PLEX™, a substance
which alters the size, weight and
shape of asbestos fibers perma-
nently. The action of CHEM:PLEX
is equally effective regardless of the
type of asbestos (chrysotile, amosite,
etc.). CHEMrPLEX, under its pre-
vious name Asbestite, was used in
applications ranging from Madison
Square Garden to the USS Iowa.
Its effectiveness is largely tied to its
chemical similarity to asbestos it-
self, but it reacts with asbestos,
chemically bonding and complexing
the libers. For more information on
I Circle 105 on Reader Service Card
Caterpillar supplied the diesel
engine, model 3176. These engines
have electronically computerized
control systems, reportedly provid-
ing extremely efficient, lightweight
500-hp diesel engines.
North American Marine Jet,
(NAM J) Inc. equipped the vessel with
the Nomera 20 Jet propulsion unit,
built to deliver cavitation-free thrust
at speeds from 0 to 60 knots.
The craft is being tested by the
U.S. Navy and has potential for serv-
ing many of their high-speed craft
demands — and has attracted the
interest of the Marines and the U.S.
Coast Guard, as well.
Other NAMJ work for the Navy
includes completing the delivery of
51 14YJ units to the U.S. Navy;
scheduled rebuilding of between six
and ten 14YJ units by October; and
five conversions of 20YJ units into
Nomera 20s. In addition, Western
Geophysical placed an order with
NAMJ for nine TRAKTOR jet units.
For more information on compa-
nies involved with the craft, circle
the appropriate number on the
Reader Service Card in this issue.
American Eagle Mfg 97
Caterpillar Diesel 98
North American Marine Jet 99
Owner: TIRRENIA di Navigazione, Napoli, Italy
Chockfast installation by FINCANTIERI, Genoa, Italy ww Philadelphia Resins
P.O. Box 309, Montgomeryville, PA 18936 • Telephone 215.855.8450 Fax 215.855.4688
Circle 269 on Reader Service Card
The above figures are taken from the IMA Associates report Five Year Outlook for U.S.
Shipbuilding. For more information about the report,
Circle 111 on Reader Service Card
James R. McCaul, President
IMA Associates, Inc.
Approximately 575 of the 1,590 crude carriers or OBO's now in service will be
retired over the next five years — producing a major replacement opportunity
for shipbuilders and ship system suppliers.
< 80,000 80-120,000 120-220,000 >220,000 OBO's OBO's
DWT DWT DWT DWT <80,000 DWT >80,000 DWT
Source: IMA Associates, Five Year Outlook for U.S. Shipbuilding, 1994
400-i Retirements
July, 1994 9
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