Let Pauluhn shed some
Light in solving your
Marine and Corrosive
environment lighting
problems today!
Pauluhn has a complete line of
Incandescent, Fluorescent, HID,
Hazardous location fixtures, as well
as Decorative fixtures for Showboats.
Call or write for our NEW Product
Pauluhn Electric Mfg. Co.
1616 N. Main P.O. Box 53
Pearland, Texas 77581
( 713 ) 485-4311
( 713 ) 485- 4398 Fax
62 Circle 71 on Reader Service Card
For over 70 years, Pauluhn has been
providing the Marine industry with
innovative lighting solutions in
Stainless Steel, Bronze or Marine-
Grade Aluminum for salt, water,
wind, cold, extreme vibration,
chemicals, moisture and other
elements present in Hazardous and
Corrosive environments.
Digital Wave Publishing