Vancouver Shipyards Builds Pair Of
Tractor Tugs In Five Months
The ship-assist Z-drive tugs Seaspan Hawk and Seaspan Falcon.
In September 1993, Seaspan International Lti
of North Vancouver, B.C. accepted delivery of tw
new high performance, 3,000-bhp tugs to provic
ship-assist services in the Port of Vancouver: th
Seaspan Hawk and the Seaspan Falcon, built h
Vancouver Shipyards Co. Ltd., of North Vancouve:
The 80-foot tugs were designed by Robert Alia
Ltd. of Vancouver, in collaboration with the owner
technical staff and the shipyard engineering de
partment. Robert Allan Ltd. provided numericall
lofted lines, and complete NC definition of all strut
tural parts, which greatly facilitated the rapid con
struction program. The tugs are configured as "da;
boats," for operation with a crew of two. Th
machinery spaces comply with all Canadian Coas
Guard requirements for Unmanned Machiner;
The tugs are of the "reverse-tractor" configura
tion with azimuthing Z-drive propulsion steering
units aft. The main engines are Detroit Diese
model 16V-149TI-DDEC, each rated 1,500 bhp ai
1,700 rpm. The Z-drives are Niigata model ZP-2A
fitted with nozzles. Steering is by electric motors
controlled by a Mechtronics solid state frequency
modulating system. The heavy duty bow fender is
from Shibata, overlain with aircraft tires for im-
proved adherence.
On trials, the tugs performed to expectations,
with a free running speed of 12.4 knots, and bollard
pulls of 39.91 tons ahead and 38.10 astern.For more
information on the capabilities of Vancouver Ship-
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