ard: Hanjin Heavy
Vessel: Goliath
Vpe: Cement Carrier
The cement carrier Goliath, ap-
>roximately 440 feet long and 77
eet wide with a full load draft of
ibout 27 feet, was delivered to
joliath Portland Cement Co., Ltd.
}f Australia.
The vessel will be operated under
the Australian flag and has been
classified by Lloyd's Register.
Propulsion speeds of up to 16.5
knots are provided by a single Ko-
rea Heavy Industries-manufac-
tured, Sulzer-designed 5RTA52 two-
stroke, single-acting, airless-injec-
tion crosshead turbocharged engine
with a maximum power of6,400 kW
at 120 rpm and a service power of
5,760 kW at 116 rpm. Cement load-
ing, distribution and discharging is
accomplished via a completely en-
closed pneumatic system from Ibau
The vessel can accommodate two
types of cement, and can be loaded
at a nominal rate of 1,200 tons/hour
through four lines.
For more information on Hanjin
Heavy Industries,
Circle 51 on Reader Service Card
Main engine Sulzer
Propellers Navalips
Generators B&WSsangyong
Auxiliary generator Hyundai
Cargo pumps Ibau Hamburg
Ballast control Norcontrol
Bowthruster Ulstein
Bridge control Norcontrol
Radar Norcontro
Navigation Anschutz, JRC, Sperry,
Satellite navigation Sailo
Fire detection Salwico
Fire extinguishing Nam Yang
Pipe antifouling Cathelco
Deck machinery... Hagglunds, Hydraulic-Brattvaag
Yard: Schichau
Seebeckwerft AG
Vessel: Pride Of Burgundy
Type: Car/Passenger Ferry
The combi-ferry Pride of Bur-
gundy was delivered from Schichau
Seebeckwerft of Bremerhaven, Ger-
many to P&O European Ferries in
March. At 589.5 feet long, the ves-
sel has a breadth of 91 feet, a 20.5-
foot draft and a 5,875-dwt capacity.
The ship was begun as a Ro/Ro ferry
but converted in mid-construction
due to the demand for the combi-
ferry vessel type. The Pride of Bur-
gundy can accommodate 1,320 pas-
sengers and 80 crew. It has three
restaurants, two bars, a shopping
arcade, a video cinema and a
children's playground.
Four Sulzer 8ZA40S four-stroke
engines each generate 5,280 kW at
510 rpm, giving the Pride of Bur-
gundy a speed of about 21 knots.
For more information on Schichau
Circle 59 on Reader Service Card
December, 1993
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P.O. Box 90S
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Fax (206) 882-2373
TEL. (604) 271 -2741 FAX (604) 274-6322
Circle 220 on Reader Service Card
Circle 221 on Reader Service Card
Main engines Sulzer
Generators Sulzer/Siemens
Navigation Decca-Racal
Yard: Hitachi Zosen
Vessel: Arosa
Type: Double-Hull VLCC
The Arosa, delivered by Hitachi
Zosen to Arosa Maritime, Inc. in
February, is reportedly the first
double-hull VLCC built in Japan.
The 291,381-dwt vessel was built at
Hitachi Zosen's Ariake Works,
Kumamoto Pref. The vessel is ap-
proximately 1,077 feet long, with a
breadth of 190 feet and a fully-
loaded draft of about 71 feet. Its
Hitachi Zosen 7S80MC main en-
gine drove the vessel to a maximum
trial speed of 16.345 knots. In addi-
tion to the distinction of being the
first double-hull VLCC from Japan,
its other special features include a
minimum-resistance hull with a
bulbous bow, a superstream propel-
ler duct for enhanced propulsive ef-
ficiency, enhanced scantlings for
additional hull strength and corro-
sion margin, and a zinc silicate paint
system on deck for additional corro-
sion protection. For more informa-
tion on Hitachi Zosen,
Circle 52 on Reader Service Card
Standard two and three piece modular construc-
tion allows Lang marine cooking equipment to pass
through a 26 x 66" hatch.
What's more, Lang marine equipment is
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For more information,
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Improve Production, Quality
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P.O. Box 1910 Port Townsend, WA 98368 USA
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Circle 203 on Reader Service Card Circle 250 on Reader Service Card
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