Monitor Control Alarm
was acquired by Electronic Marine System, Inc.
• Mobile • Texaco
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• USCG • Canadian Coast Guard
• Tidewater MSC
• U.S. Army • Honeywell, Australia
• Army Corp of Engineers • Scripps Institute
• American Commercial • Woods Hole
Barge Lines Oceanographic
• Matson Navigation • Canoie Transportation
are a few users of this technology which is continuing to be supported,
manufactured and enhanced by
CS5000 Control System
Bellevue, WA/ Marrerro, LA / Rahway, NJ
Phone: 908-382-4344 / Fax: 908-388-5111 / Telex: 844 747
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Technological advances. Flawless design. Exceptional
quality. Over 35 years of experience. Built in the U.S.A.
tor the Police, Navy, Coast Guard, Rescue Missions,
Safety Organizations and Off-shore Oil companies. All
combined make Willard Marine the country's largest
Established 1956 manufacturer of Rigid Inflatable Boats.
WILLARD MARINE, INC., 1250 N. Grove Street, Anaheim, CA 92806-2114, USA.
Phone 714/666-2150. Fax 714/632-8136.
Circle 241 on Reader Service Card
Kvaerner Delivers Third Super-Cruise
Liner To Carnival
Sensation and Fascination at the outfitting quay at Kvaerner Masa-Yards
Helsinki New Shipyard.
The delivery of the M/S Sensation, the third
Caribbean cruise liner from Kvaerner Masa-Yards'
Helsinki New Shipyard for Carnival Cruise Lines,
Inc., USA, took place on October 18, 1993. The
vessel left Helsinki on October 23 for her home port
of Miami. After having crossed the Atlantic, the
vessel was christened in Miami on November 13.
The inaugural cruise took place on November 21.
M/S Sensation is the third Super-cruise liner
delivered to Carnival Cruise Lines, Inc. from the
Helsinki New Shipyard. M/S Fantasy, the first in
the series, was delivered in 1990. The sistership M/
S Ecstasy was delivered in 1991. The fourth and
fifth vessel in the series will be delivered in the
summers of 1994 and 1995, respectively.With grt of
70,367, the M/S Sensation can carry 2,600 passen-
gers, served by a crew of more than 900. She is 855
feet long, with a beam of 103 feet and a draft of 25
feet. The ship has a number of unique features,
including the six-deck-high atrium with glass walled
elevators, and extensive use of materials such as
marble and granite.
M/S Sensation also features a diesel-electric power
plant with electrical propulsion motors. The total
aboard power developed is 42,240 kW (57,400 hp).
There are six thrusters, three forward and three
aft, with a total power of 9,000 kW (12,200 hp).
For more information on the capabilities of
Kvaerner Masa-Yards,
Circle 12 on Reader Service Card
Fourth Litton-Built Aegis Destroyer
Christened "Russell"; SA'AR 5 Corvette
Completes Sea Trials
Circle 270 on Reader Service Card
DDG-59 was christened "Russell" at Ingalls Shipbuilding division of
Ingalls Shipbuilding division of Litton in
Pascagoula, Miss, christened the fourth Aegis guided
missile destroyer "Russell."
The new ship, designated DDG-59, is the ninth
vessel of the Arleigh Burk (DDG-51) Class. To date,
Litton has contracted to build 11 of the ships and
delivered the first vessel last year. Also, Ingalls' first
SA'AR 5 corvette has completed sea trials. INS
Eilat, the first of three SA'AR 5 corvettes being built
for the government of Israel by Ingalls Shipbuild-
ing, completed initial sea trials in the Gulf of Mexico
in October.
For more information on Ingalls Shipbuilding,
Circle 26 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
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