When the U.S. Navy sent a S.O.S. to help move this giant
crane, we dispatched two ofourJDN PROFI100 ton
pneumatic hoists. The results was a complete victory for
us both.
Saving the day for our customers is always satisfying, but
forJDN it's not new. Our hoists have been solving weighty
problems in more than 90 countries all over the world.
In this case the TOO ton pneumatic hoists were used on
site to level these 310 ton cranes. Incredible size and
capacity ratio, precision engineering and construction, and
their dependability on only 85 PSI compressed air operation
made the JDN PROFI the perfect choice for the job.
But this hoist, and the rest of the world famous PROFI
series, can operate at the same performance level
mounted overhead on trolleys and in low overhead
situations. They are unaffected by dampness, moisture,
steam or heat, and the pneumatic operation makes
them ideal for situations where sparks and electrical
problems cannot be tolerated.
The ultra sensitive, pull cord speed regulation,
built into every PROFI hoist, was key to this
precision Navy operation. The ability of the
hoists to be left running indefinitely without
damage adds to the exceptional versatility
of the PROFI Line.
TheJ.D. Neuhaus Corporation offers a full line with
capacities from 500 lbs. to 100 tons, pneumatic hoists, plus
a wide variety of trolleys and hoists that operate at 60 PSI
or hydraulic power.
For your next impossible challenge, or for efficient
everyday operation, do what the U.S. Navy did. Send a
S.O.S. toJ.D. Neuhaus Corporation.
2603 Rolling Road
P.O. Box 26442
Baltimore, Maryland 21207
Tel. 800-331-2889
Fax. 410-597-9808 1745
A mm NAVAI mmm ton m
From: Conander, Charleston Naval Shipyard
To: J.D. NEUHAUS, Baltimore, MD 21207
ON CONTRACT N00612-87-T531
Encl: (1) NAVSHIPYD CHASN Photograph of New AFDB-7 Crane Lift
in Holy Loch Scotland (3 copies)
1. The purpose of this letter is to comend your Mr. Donald T.
Plettenberg for his dedicated support and exemplary performance in
the handling of many details for delivery of the two 100 ton chain
hoists on our Contract N00612-87-T531. NAVSHIPYD Charleston
appreciates the quick action and delivery to support our schedule
for loading the two new portal cranes and shipment to Holy Loch.
2. Enclosure (1), shows the new (310 ton lift) cranes being moved
in Holy Loch by SMIT International floating crane, TAK LIFT-6 to
US Navy Drydock, USS LOS ALAMOS (AFDB-7). Your 100 ton pneumatic
powered chain hoists are used to level the new portal cranes so that
the sixteen wheels will land on the rails simultaneously. The project
was a great success as one new crane was loaded in the morning and
the other one in the afternoon.
3. Please present one of these photographs to Mr. Plettenberg with
our sincere appreciation for a job well done.
Ser 212/1114
18 November 1987
Circle 227 on Reader Service Card
Digital Wave Publishing