Soundtrack by Simrad
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Sound made this seabed map of an area
of the Oslo Fjord, Norway.
The wreck of the German heavy cruiser
Blucher, lying keel upwards in 90 meters of
water, is visible in the middle of the image. Contour lines
show the depth whilst color codes register object hardness.
The image was produced by a Simrad EM 1000 Multibeam
Echo Sounder passing just once over the area - an example of
what to expect from Simrad instruments, based on more than
40 years experience in marine electronics.
Simrad marine expertise also includes:
Dynamic Positioning and Steering
Subsea Monitoring and Control
Sonar and Camera Surveying
Mine Countermeasures
Instrumentation for Subsea Vehicles
Fish Finding and Fishery Research
Autopilots and Navigation
Digital Wave Publishing