\yers Becomes Product
Marketing Head Of Cablec
Cablec Continental Cables Com-
any, a business unit of BICC Cables
orporation, has named Dennis
Iyers director of product market-
ig. Cablec Continental employs
pproximately 600, including a na-
lonwide sales force serving indus-
rial and military customers
tiroughout the U.S. with power,
ontrol, instrumentation and ship-
oard cable.
JSCG Veteran Felton Joins
adjusting Firm
Capt. John R. Felton, former
Captain of the Port and pre-desig-
lated on-scene coordinator for the
5uget Sound area for the U.S. Coast
jruard (USCG), has joined the Ma-
ine Team of Glesy, Greer & Gunn
nc. (GGG) of Portland, Ore. Mr.
?elton specializes in investigation
)f oil and hazardous material
ileanup and remediation incidents,
ind will assist with spill cleanup
nanagement and coordination of
•esponse actions. With more than
25 years of maritime industry expe-
rience, Mr. Felton has served as
chairman of the Port Readiness
Committee for Puget Sound, as the
director for the Alaska oil-spill co-
Dp SEAPRO, as a representative on
American Waterways Operators'
(AWO) OPA 90 task force.
Chyko Joins Folk Corp.
Sales Staff
Rich Chyko has been assigned to
the Pittsburgh, Pa. district office
sales staff of the Falk Corp., a
Milhaukee, Wis.-based subsidiary of
the Sundstrand Corp. Falk is a ma-
jor manufacturer of industrial power
transmission machinery. In his new
position, Mr. Chyko will join dis-
trict sales manager Gary M. Gra-
ham in serving the company's cus-
tomers in western Pennsylvania,
northern West Virginia, southeast-
ern Ohio and western Maryland.
GF Marine And Dan HVAC
Enter Into Cooperation
GF Marine A/S, the Norwegian-
based supplier of HVAC (Heating,
Ventilation and Airconditioning) sys-
tems for marine applications, has
established a close cooperation with
Dan HVAC Design ApS based in
Naestved, Denmark. The company's
name will be changed to GF
DanHVAC International A/S.
GF DanHVAC International A/S
has a broad experience in design,
engineering, commissioning, trouble
shooting and supply of advanced
HVAC systems for passenger and
cruise vessels as well as ordinary
cargoships and tankers. GF
DanHVAC International A/S has
developed well recognized products,
e.g. a PPC controlled Fire Damper
System. For more information on
GF DanHVAC International A/S,
Circle 40 on Reader Service Card
Gulf Copper Launches
Gulf Copper & Manufacturing
Corporation launched the first of
eight 50-foot steel-hulled workboats
it is building under contract to the
U.S. Navy at its Port Arthur, Texas
facility. The Navy also exercised
options for an additional ten hulls,
for a total of 18 boats now under
construction. The company has also
reached agreement with Lykes
Brothers Steamship Company for
the conversion of the ex-"Thompson
Lykes" into an unmanned barge.
Work will include installation of new
MacGregor cargo hatches, struc-
tural renovations and the addition
of towing skegs and a stern notch
structure for tugs. A completion
date of early 1994 is projected. For
more information on Gulf Copper,
Circle 48 on Reader Service Card
Austal Sells MTU-Powered
Ferry To Shanghai
Austal Ships won a $5.3 million
contract to build a 131-foot alumi-
nium passenger catamaran for the
Shanghai Free Flying Transport and
Yacht Co. Ltd.
It will be powered by twin MTU
marine diesels driving KaMeWa
waterjets through Reintjes gear-
boxes, for a fully laden speed of 32
knots. The 450-passenger vessel
will operate a tourist service from
Shanghai to neighboring islands and
is scheduled for delivery in April,
1994. Austal's marketing and sales
manager, Chris Norman, said he
was confident of further sales to
Shanghai ferry operators.
MarAd Cancels Qualified
Bidders' List Program
The Maritime Administration has
decided to drop the qualified bid-
ders' list (QBL) pilot program for
shipyards bidding to repair vessels
in the Ready Reserve Force (RRF).
According to DOT Secretary
Federico Pena, MarAd found that
the QBL program did not produce
the anticipated improvements in
repair-work quality, was not as cost
effective as MarAd had projected
and did not gain industry support to
the degree that MarAd had expected.
Another reason Secretary Pena
cited for the elimination of QBL pro-
grams was the requirement by the
General Accounting Office that
MarAd refer cases where yards were
determined not to meet the QBL
standards to the Small Business
Administration (SBA) for certificates
of competency. The SBA would then
have about three weeks to decide a
case, and no limits were placed on
the number of appeals that could
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Department of Defense
Defense Reutilization & Marketing
Memphis, TN
We Offer Surplus Government Property
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Advertised Otems Bnclyde:
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October, 1993 Circle 285 on Reader Service Card 67
Digital Wave Publishing