Skanti Offers Full Range Of
GMDSS Equipment
Skanti, a Danish company estab-
lished in 1965, offers a full line of
GMDSS equipment designed for
easy operation.
The company backs all of its prod-
ucts—which include the Skanti PC
9000 personal computer, designed
for the marine environment and
compliant with the GMDSS specifi-
cations; and the TP2 EPIRB, for
COSPAS-SARSAT satellite search
and rescue system—with a world-
wide service network.
Skanti exports 95 percent of its
production and is reportedly the larg-
est manufacturer of HF-SSB Ma-
rine Radiotelephones in Europe.
For additional information on
Skanti, and the company's full line
of products,
Circle 16 on Reader Service Card
Jotron Supplies GMDSS
Emergency And Onboard
Communication Equipment
With its 30 years of experience as
a leader in the latest technology of
reliable maritime life-saving equip-
ment, Jotron Electronics A.S. sports
a full line of communications equip-
ment backed with a network of
trained agents worldwide for ser-
PATHFINDER/ST ARPA: 34-cm or 25-cm
PPI's (16 " or 12" diagonal CRT IMO
equivalents), provide automatic tracking of
up to 40 targets with vectors and readouts
for most dangerous 20. Have auto and
manual acquisition, and unique trial
PATHFINDER/ST TM/EP: 34-cm or 25-cm
PPI's (16" or 12" diagonal CRT IMO
equivalents), have True and Relative
Motion displays. Electronic Plotting,
course, speed, bearing, range, CPA, and
TCPA for two selected targets.
Raytheon PATHFINDER7ST Radar. Superior Technology Provides
Superior Target Detection.
True Motion with
Electronic Plotting
or ARPA.
Raytheon sets radar performance stan-
dards for the 21st century with technolo-
gy breakthroughs that virtually eliminate
noise, interference and clutter, while rec-
ognizing and displaying even weak tar-
gets typically lost on other radars.
The heart of this improved radar system
is Raytheon's exclusive five-stage
signal processing...we call it Superior
ST for short.
Combined with higher performance
transmitters and receivers, and the latest
raster displays, ST provides performance
levels never before available. Now, with
PATHFINDER/ST, your vessels-and their
crews-can have an important extra mea-
sure of safety and efficiency, including a
unique Safety-Coded CPA Circle, which
shows course selections for safest CPAs.
PATHFINDER/ST is available as an
ARPA or a True Motion/Relative Motion
display with Electronic Plotting. These
displays can easily retrofit the displays
in older Raytheon Bright Display Radar
Systems, and can be high-performance
repeaters for radars of most other
Tests Prove
Radars See What
Other Radars Can't.
In side-by-side comparison tests, a
PATHFINDER/ST display and a conven-
tional radar display were connected to the
same radar system. PATHFINDER/ST
consistently displayed targets not detec-
ted by the conventional display.
Target Detection.
Using increased signal-to-noise levels,
high dynamic range, precisely matched
pulse bandwidths, and exclusive Rain
Rate circuits, PATHFINDER/ST receiv-
ers faithfully capture target returns even
in severe clutter.
PATHFINDER/ST multistage processing
analyzes, compares, tests, and samples
the received signal so that all detected
targets, no matter how weak in signal
strength, are distinguished from clutter
and clearly displayed.
From the control panels through the
computer, transmitter, and receiver-and
then in five steps leading to the CRT-
Raytheon's exclusive Superior Technology
provides sharp, bright radar pictures
virtually free of clutter.
Tnmltter ^Hf"
| tow ProcKMrj
| Field Processor j
Cnpter 3- Contrcl Panels o
Simple Installation
and Flexible System
PATHFINDER/ST Radars satisfy a
very wide range of installation and
operating requirements. Signal multi-
plexing reduces connections between
PATHFINDER/ST receivers and dis-
plays. This, combined with electronic
interswitching for dual systems, the abil-
ity to mount transceivers "up" in antenna
pedestals, or "down" in separate cabi-
nets, and keyboard entry of all set-up
parameters, makes any installation
straightforward, simple, and economical.
In addition to having the optional IMO-
required, antenna-mounted performance
monitors, PATHFINDER/ST Radar soft-
ware provides menus for extensive self-
testing of virtually every function.
Elizabeth Way, The Pinnacles
Harlow, Essex CM19 5AZ UK
(0279) 444244
Telex 81444
Telefax: (0279) 444223
46 River Road
Hudson, NH 03051 USA
603-881-5200 Telex 681-7529
Telefax: 603-881-4756
vice and support.
One of its many products, the
Tron VHF is designed in compliance
with the GMDSS. It is a six-channel
transceiver which is water- and oil-
resistant for five minutes at a one-
meter depth.
For additional information,
Circle 23 on Reader Service Card
USCG Releases Manual On
Fatigue Avoidance
The U.S. Coast Guard released a
report which synthesizes the state-
of-the-art in fatigue technology as it
relates to the marine field. The book
includes in-depth presentations of
the methods used in modeling the
loads from wind and waves, linear
system response to random excita-
tion, stress concentration factors,
vortex shedding and fatigue dam-
age calculation. For a copy of the
new book, contact: Ship Structure
Committee, U.S. Coast Guard (G-
MI/R), 2100 Second St., S.W., Wash-
ington, D.C. 20593-0001; tel: (202)
267-0003; fax: (202) 267-4677
Motorola's LGT 1000™ GPS
Terminal Doubles As DGPS
The LGT 1000™, Motorola's hand-
held global positioning system/geo-
graphic information systems (GPS/
GIS) terminal functions as both a
traditional differential GPS refer-
ence station, and a field data collec-
tor. Differential GPS (DGPS) en-
ables users to achieve vast improve-
ments in accuracy over standard
GPS. In addition, the LGT 1000's
customized attribute collection ca-
pabilities make it ideal for inven-
tory management applications. For
more information on the LGT 1000
from Motorola,
Circle 17 on Reader Service Card
Zodiac Adds Cabin To
Rescue Boat, New Models
New for 1993 from Zodiac is a
cabin model 733 patrol and rescue
boat and two new models of life rafts
for USCG approval. The Zodiac
Hurricane 733 outboard model res-
cue and patrol boat has been popu-
lar as a high-speed response craft
with many services, and is now avail-
able with a cabin, which provides
protection yet does not affect the
boat's performance. The Zodiac
Hurricane 733 is 24-feet and ca-
pable of carrying 18 people. For
more information on Zodiac,
Circle 84 on Reader Service Card
Unitor's Unifog: Signals New
Generation Of Fire Fighting
Unitor's new waterfog fire fight-
ing system for ships, Unifog, utilizes
both new and existing technology to
take shipboard fire protection into
the 21st Century. Developed jointly
by Norway's Unitor and Germany's
Specifications subject to change without notice. Circle 246 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Digital Wave Publishing