A.D.S. Honors Cummins
With Technical Award
The Association of Diesel Spe-
cialists (A.D.S.) has recognized
Cummins Engine Company, Inc.,
Columbus, Ind., with its highest
technical honor, the Henry Ortner,
Jr. Memorial Technical Award.
The award was presented to
Cummins in early August during
the A.D.S.'s 46th International Con-
vention & Exhibit in Las Vegas.
James E. Blewitt, A.D.S.'s presi-
dent, made the presentation to A1
Satterfield, Cummins' manager of
automotive OEM service, who is also
a member of the Association's board
of directors.
Cummins Engine Company is the
second corporate member of A.D.S.
to receive the Ortner Award.
Cummins was cited for its ongoing
support of A.D.S. technical programs
and for making its own technical
resources, including training courses
and product literature, available to
A.D.S. Service Members.
Reintjes Announces Berg
Propulsion Acquisition
Reintjes GmbH announced it has
become the majority stockholder of
Berg Propulsion, a Swedish builder
of controllable pitch propellers,
bowthrusters and propulsion con-
trol equipment.
Reintjes and Berg, which both
serve the marine market exclusively,
intend to offer complete integrated
propulsion systems engineered to
give vessel owners machinery pack-
ages in compliance with worldwide
requirements with regard to ship
safety, economy and environmental
Reintjes, established in 1929, is a
leading manufacturer of marine
gearboxes and currently produces
gear units in a propulsion range of
200 to 10,000 kW (270 to 13,400 hp).
More than 70,000 gearboxes have
been built for service in every type of
vessel worldwide.
Berg began controllable-pitch pro-
peller production in 1927, and cur-
rently manufactures shaft systems
up to 12,000 kW (16,000 hp). In
excess of 6,000 shaft systems have
been produced to date.
Karl Senner, Inc. of New Orleans
represents both Reintjes and Berg
in the U.S. and Canada, and has
placed in service more than 2,000
Reintjes gearboxes and 35 Berg pro-
peller systems.
For more information on Reintjes,
Circle 59 on Reader Service Card
For more information on Berg
Circle 60 on Reader Service Card
Avondale Wins
$262 Million-Plus Contract
Avondale Industries Inc., New
Orleans, La., has won a $262 million
contract from the Navy for construc-
tion of one Strategic Sealift Ship,
with options for five additional ships.
The total value of the six-ship
contract will be in excess of $1.3
The Strategic Sealift vessels are
Ro/Ro-type ships, which are de-
signed to quickly carry tanks and
other military vehicles to any area
of potential conflict.
The first ship is scheduled for
delivery in 1997, and the sixth for
delivery in the year 2001.
Albert L. Bossier, Jr.,
Avondale's chairman, president &
CEO, said, "With the award of the
Sealift contract, we now expect to be
able to stabilize the size of our work
force through the year 1997. This
contract will position Avondale as a
leader in the construction of sealift
and amphibious vessels for the U.S.
Navy and enable the company to
capitalize on commercial opportuni-
ties. The recent performance of
Avondale's experienced work force
positioned us to be selected as the
successful shipbuilder for this im-
portant program."
The Sealift ships will be 950 feet
long with a 106-foot beam. The
ships will achieve a sustained speed
of about 25 knots at the design load
condition at 90 percent MCR. Pro-
pulsion will be by medium speed
diesels. The award of this contract
reportedly will have a substantial
impact on the economy of the state
of Louisiana.
For more information on
Avondale Industries,
Circle 36 on Reader Service Card
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Circle 226 on Reader Service Card
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