>el Type
(in feet)
LxWxD Main Engines
Owner/Operator Date
Vessel Type
(in feet)
LxWxD Main Engines
Owner/Operator Date
Oil Tank Barge 385 x 56 x 26 n/a Penn Maritime 12/92 Arctic Baruna II Stern Trawler 112 x 30 x 15 Cummins Arctic Alaska Fisheries 3/93
Dump Scow 235 x 45 x 20 n/a Great Lakes Dredge 12/92
Pipelay Barge 290 x 72 x 22 n/a Subsea Intl. 1/93
Deck Barge 300 x 110 x 10 n/a Mardi Gras Casino Mag 2/93 Hourna Fabricators, a div. of L.O.R., Inc., 1100 Oak St., Houma, La. 70363
Deck/Container Barge 250 x 80 x 16 n/a Turecamo Maritime 4/93
Oil Barge 430 x 105 x 43 n/a August Trading 6/93 Vermont Ferry 196 x 37 x 12 Caterpillar n/a 12/92
Deck Barge 300 x 110 x 10 n/a Gold Coast 6/93 Voith Tractor Tug 98 x 46 x 12 MANB&W n/a 12/93
Deck Barge 300x110x10 n/a Bay Vessels 7/93 Tank Barge 164 x 46 x 10 n/a n/a 12/93
Rail Car Barge 400 x 78 x 21 n/a Ketchican Pulp Co. 9/93 (3) Casino Paddlewheel Boats 292 x 74 x 13 Cummins n/a 2/94 to 8/94
jlf Craft Inc., 3904 Highway 182, Patterson, LA 70392 Jeffboat, Inc., 1030 E. Market St., Jeffersonville, Ind. 47130
iss Lolly Crewboat 45 x 14x3 Detroit Diesel Crescent Ship Service 7/92 (2) Double Skin
r. Freddie Crewboat 45 x 14x3 Detroit Diesel Crescent Ship Service 9/92 Tank Barges 297 x 54 x 13 n/a n/a 6/92
imnalco (DSTB)
azelle Crewboat 100x23x6 Caterpillar Lamnalco 10/92 (6) DSTB 200 x 35 x 12 n/a n/a 8/92
imnalco (2) Open Hopper
npala Crewboat 100x23x6 Caterpial Lamnalco 10/92 Barges (OHB) 200 x 35 x 12 n/a n/a 8/92
\r. Doc Utility 65 x 24 x 5 Detroit Diesel Crescent Ship 12/92 (10) DSTB 240 x 54 x 12 n/a n/a 6/92 to 12/92
aliet Ferry 65x22x5 Cummins Mackinaw Lakeshore 4/93 DSTB 195 x 35 x 12 n/a n/a 6/92
)il Cross Crewboat 100x23x6 Caterpillar O.I.L. 4/93 (24) OHB 200x35x13 n/a n/a 9/92
}il Calabar Crewboat 100x23x6 Caterpillar O.I.L. 5/93 (3) DSTB 195 x 35 x 13 n/a n/a 1/93
jpirit of Harbor (15) OHB 200 x 35 x 12 n/a n/a 1/93
"own Dinner Cruise 73 x 22 x 6 Detroit Diesel S&M 5/93 DSTB 150 x 54 x 12 n/a n/a 10/92
Digital Wave Publishing