JJMA Division Awarded
Casino Vessel Contracts
R.A. Stearn Inc., Naval Archi-
tects and Marine Engineers, a divi-
sion of John J. McMullen Associ-
ates, Inc., was awarded contracts to
develop plans and specifications for
construction of two paddlewheel ca-
sino vessels. The Sturgeon Bay,
Wis. firm is performing the work for
Bender Shipbuilding & Repair Co.,
Inc., of Mobile, Ala.
The vessels feature hydraulically
driven stern paddlewheels with two
Z-drives for propulsion. The 295-
foot vessels are designed for 30,000-
sq.-ft. of casino space, and design is
in accordance with USCG rules for
Subchapter H, Passenger vessels.
Paxman Diesels Designs
New High Speed Engine
Paxman Diesels, part of the GEC
Alsthom Diesels Group, released
details of its new high speed diesel
engine, the 12VP185, which is in-
tended to interest designers of high-
speed craft.
The new design was to produce a
high performance package within
compact dimensions at an attrac-
tive weight and low component
To meet dimension and weight
goals a move was made to a smaller
swept volume, slightly higher rat-
ings and a review of piston speeds.
The first parameter to be fixed was
the stroke. This was set at 196mm,
which, linked to a crankshaft speed
of 1,800 rpm, gave a mean piston of
11.8m/sec.forcontinuousduty. This
provides an improved speed plat-
form for marine applications, the
edge of which is bounded by a maxi-
mum speed of 1,950 rpm, at which
point the mean piston speed is 12.8
m/sec. In placing the new engine on
the market, Paxman hopes to have
addressed the key issues facing de-
signers and operators today; namely,
shrinking engine spaces, cost of own-
ership, obligation to meet environ-
mental expectations and good per-
formance and reliability.
For more information on the new
Paxman engine,
Circle 83 on Reader Service Card
Vessel Tracking Systems
(Continued from page 123)
way. Each port zone contains be-
tween one and ten subzones. There
are a total of 99 subzones. The Coast
Guard is using a benefit/cost analy-
sis to determine which subzones (or
portions of subzones) to monitor
with remote sensors.
Regarding benefits, the Coast
Guard is developing estimates us-
ing the computer model developed
for the Port Needs Study. Although
the study used this model to calcu-
late the benefits of a VTS system
for entire port zones, the model can
also be used to estimate benefits by
Regarding costs, estimates are
based on the cost of a Vessel Track-
ing Center (VTC), the cost of equip-
ment to monitor the subzone(s) (i.e.,
remote sensors, communications
equipment, and other equipment),
and operation and maintenance
costs. Coast Guard officials said that
the cost of a VTC makes up a sub-
stantial portion of the total cost of a
VTS system and is not significantly
affected by the number of subzones
being monitored.
The Coast Guard has decided tht
Vessel Tracking Systems should
achieve as close to a zero-accident
rate as possible under normal cir-
cumstances and conditions in the
areas being monitored.
Officials also said that the VTS
systems are being designed to func
tion adequately under most circum
stances likely to be encountered i)
the particular area being monitored
For example, in ports where heav
rain is common, a radar systen
would be used that could operatt
adequately in heavy rain. However
in ports where heavy rain is rart
and/or vessels do not typically op
erate in such weather, a radar with
out that capability would be used
Officials also said that in certair
areas that are particularly danger
ous, redundant coverage (e.g., th
use of two radars to monitor a singl
area in case one radar becomes in
operative) may be appropriate. Thej
added, however, that in most cases
redundant coverage would be exces-
The Coast Guard's actions in se-
lecting ports for establishing or im-
proving VTS systems are consistent
with the Port Needs Study. Ninety-
one percent of the $26.8 million it
requested for fiscal year 1993 to es-
tablish or improve VTS systems was
requested for VTS 2000. The Coast
Guard is using a benefit/cost ap-
proach to determine the specific ar-
eas of port zones to be monitored by
the VTS systems it is establishing
under VTS 2000.
Copies of the Ports Needs Study
may be obtained from the General
Accounting Office, Washington, D.C.
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Circle 198 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Eagle Insurance Group strives to
prevent accidents on H
site, helping to .
keep^workers safe
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Ranty Rusf i
Secretary of Tteahrer
Westport Shipyard
Eagle Insurance
Group, Inc.
Eagle Pacific Insurance Company
Pacific Eagle Insurance Company
EPIC Insurance Services
As a maritime employ-
er, every accident you
eliminate substantially
reduces the cost of U.S.
Longshore and Harhor-
workers' insurance this
year...and next year...
and the year alter that.
At Westport Shipyard,
Randy Rust is always
trying to control costs,
hut his main concern is
worker safety. Eagle's
face-to-face service
helps Randy create a
safer workplace. That
means Randy's other
goal, lower insurance
cost, is met as well.
To find out how Eagle
can help you prevent
on-site accidents, con-
tact Chris Engstrom,
Vice President/
Marketing, at
(800) 372-2255.
Or, contact one of our
independent insurance
hroker-partners listed
Eagle Insurance Group is a specialty
workers' compensation insurer with a
financial rating of A- (Excellent) hy
A.M. Best Company. We write U.S.
Longshore and Harhorworkers' and
State Act workers' compensation insurance
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Coast, Alaska and Hawaii.
Rick Paden,
RSP Insurance Services
(619) 291-6512
Damon Nasman,
Rollins Burdick Hunter
(206) 281-4500
Craig Pankow,
Stanley T. Scott & Co.
(206) 323-3931
Digital Wave Publishing