Quality Standards At MIL
Davie And The MIL Group
Formally Recognized
The efforts made by MIL Davie
and The MIL Group over the years
were recently awarded when they
received certification to the highest
NATO quality standard, AQAP-1.
Don Wilson, director general qual-
ity assurance at the Department of
National Defense (DND), presented
Guy C. Veronneau, president and
chief executive officer of MIL Davie
and The MIL Group, two certifi-
cates—one for MIL Davie and the
other for The MIL Group—attesting
their compliance with AQAP-1.
This important milestone consti-
tutes for MIL a step toward its objec-
tive of becoming a world-class ship-
yard. Internationally recognized,
AQAP-1 is the equivalent of several
standards established by other stan-
dardization organizations.
This certification will represent a
particular advantage to MIL in com-
petition for future work, both mili-
tary and commercial.
MIL Davie is a member of the
MIL Group. The MIL Group is ac-
tive in design engineering, program
management, manufacturing, in-
stallation and life-cycle support in
shipbuilding, defense, offshore and
general industrial fields in Cana-
dian and international market
thirty-year Coast Guard career, he
was involved in the design, develop-
ment and installation of Loran-C sys-
tems. He brings to Megapulse not
only his technical qualifications, but
also his business management skills
from six years as a sales manager for
international sales of Power Plant
Systems. Mr. Roland stated that he
expects company growth to continue
not only from the development of
international acceptance of Loran-C,
but also from expansion of
Megapulse's product lines and ser-
For more information describing
Megapulse products,
Circle 59 on Reader Service Card
MarAd Awards $2.2 Million
Contract To West State
West State, Inc., Portland, Ore.,
was recently awarded a contract
worth $2,192,012 by the Maritime
Administration. The contract is for
repairs and deactivation to the
Ready Reserve Force (RRF)
breakbulk vessel SS Austral Light-
The work includes repairs neces-
sary to meet classification specifica-
tions and regulations and is expected
to be completed within 60 calendar
Certificates presented to MIL Davie and The MIL
Group. Shown at the presentation (from left to
right) were: Jim Williams, president, MIL Sys-
tems Engineering Inc.; Ken McCormick, vice
president, quality, MIL Davie and The MIL Group;
Don Wilson, director general, quality assurance,
DND; Guy C. Veronneau, president and CEO, MIL
Davie and the MIL Group; D.A. Vandevenne,
commanding officer, 2nd Canadian Forces Tech-
nical Services Agency; W. Doering, director,
quality assurance operations, DND.
Johannessen Retires,
Roland Named
President Of Megapulse
Megapulse, Inc. of Bedford, Mass., a
U.S.-owned small business, and one of
the only designers and manufacturers
of Solid State Loran-C Transmitters
Systems, has announced that the com-
pany founder, Dr. Paul R.
Johannessen, recently retired from
the position ofpresident of the company.
He will remain as chairman of the board
and vice president of research and de-
William F. Roland, (Captain,
USCG, retired) succeeds Dr.
Johannessen as president of
Megapulse. During Mr. Roland's
Y)ii Could LoseUpTb 94,000 Passengers
This^earlo Weight Problems.
' V Vv ^ . v . ^
Vv * " ••••» .'-ti^
A twin-diesel power plant can weigh you have lots more room for passengers,
over 40,000 pounds, and puts out 6,000 That can mean as many as 94,000 more
shp maximum. That can cost your ferry fares every year.*
tons of passengers.
But substitute two TF40
turbines and the scales shift
TF40's are just 1/10th the
weight of comparable diesels, and
they still give you over 8,000
shp. So you get more speed —potentially
enough to add an extra round trip a day.
And since TF40's use far less space,
*Based on a 10% increase in passenger capacity on a 450-passenger ferry
operating three round trips per day, 350 days per year at 90% capacity.
For details and an estimate of how many more passengers the TF40 can
put in your boat, call us at (203) 385-3863.
-3,454 mm So before you go diesel, weigh
the alternative.
Call our Director of 1,854 mm
1,118 mm
U 1,321 mm-
A diesel exhaust system alone
weighs more than an entire TF40. That's
a lot of fares gone up in smoke.
Marine Marketing at
(203) 385-3863 for more
on the TF40.
The TF40. It puts the
people in the seats. And leaves the
diesels on the dock.
Were OnThe Move.
TEXTRON Lycoming
Textron Lycoming/Subsidiary of Textron Inc.
Stratford, CT 06497, USA
©1991 Textron Lycoming
November, 1992 9
Digital Wave Publishing