Leevac Shipyards, Inc.
Circle 79 on Reader Service Card
Leevac Shipyards, Inc., founded
in 1913, delivered the Miss Cynthia,
an inland pushboat measuring 72
feet long with a 26 foot beam and a
draft of 8.5 feet, to Higman Barge
Lines, Inc.
The vessel, which features bot-
tom, hull sides and main deck plat-
ing of one-half inch, is powered by
two Detroit Diesel 8V-149TI engines,
which together deliver 1,480 hp.
That power will enable the operator
to maneuver the company's new
297.5- by 54- by 12-foot barges.
Higman Barge Lines transports
more than 45 million barrels of pe-
troleum products annually. The
engines are electronically controlled
and drive 72-inch, S/S Bird Johnson
propellers. The pushboat is also out-
fitted with Twin Disc MG-520 6.11:1
Miss Cynthia is capable of carry-
ing 20,000 gallons of fuel, 10,000
gallons of water and 400 gallons of
lube oil.
Electric power is supplied by two
Cummins 6B, 50 kW KATO genera-
tor engines. The boat was manufac-
tured with Skipper Hydraulics' me-
chanical over hydraulic steering con-
trols, and is fitted with electronic
equipment such as: two Standard
Triton VHF radios; one Stephens
SEA 222 SSB radio; and an Anritsu
721 radar. It also sports a six-inch
Ritchie compass. The vessel, which
features York air conditioning,
Fernstrum coolers and four flank-
ing rudders, was coated by Ameron.
The SIS is powered by a 350 hp
Detroit Diesel 8V-92NA engine and
can reach a top speed of 20 knots.
The vessel features heating and air
conditioning, seating for six in the
wheelhouse, a roof-boarding plat-
form and pilot-rescue platform off
the transom.
One of the most notable improve-
ments is the SIS's reduced noise
A combination of older and new
technologies, which have been
adapted from the yard's catamaran
ferries, has reduced the sound levels
in the wheelhouse to 78 decibels.
The boat includes metal sheathed,
high-density sound-absorbent insu-
lation underdeck and against the
engine room bulkheads and an air
intake system that reduces engine
The boat is also equipped with
very heavy duty, sound-absorbing
engine mounts and a hospital-grade
exhaust system.
Equipment List
Main engines Detroit Diesel
Propellers Bird Johnson
Generator engines Cummins
Engine controls Detroit Diesel
Steering controls Skipper Hydraulics
Deck machinery Nabrico
Coatings Ameron
VHF radio Standard Triton
SSB radio Stephens
Radar Anritsu
Pumps Barnes fire/bilge and ballast
Air conditioning York
Coolers Fernstrum
Equipment List
Main engines GM Detroit Diesel
Engine controls
Northern Lights
Teleflex Seastar
Depth sounder
Circle 83 on Reader Service Card
Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding,
the Duclos Corp., delivered the SIS
39-foot pilot boat to Charleston
Branch Pilots.
The vessel is used to ferry crews
from downtown Charleston, S.C., to
Wando Terminal in Mt. Pleasant, in
addition to transporting pilots to
ships. The trip, normally made over-
land, will save an estimated 30 min-
The all-aluminum vessel was de-
signed by C. Raymond Hunt Associ-
ates of Boston.
Extra heavy chine bars protect
the deep-V hull when maneuvering
alongside submarines and the inde-
pendently-mounted 350-gallon fuel
tank prevents overboard spills in
the event of hull damage.
November, 1992 33
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