Equipment List
Main engines Cummins
Generators Lima
Reduction gears Tonanco
Engine controls Wabc
Steering controls Gulf Craft
Shafting Aquame
Coatings PRS Coatings
Circle 73 on Reader Service Card
Jeffboat built the 170-foot long by
48-foot wide twin-screw line haul
pushboat, Michael Luhr, for Luhr
Bros., Inc. The M/V Michael Luhr is
equipped with two 16-cylinderEMD
engines driving a Bird Johnson 110-
inch propeller for propulsion, and
two Detroit Diesel generators for
ship service power. The EMD en-
gines separately generate 3,400 hp,
for a combined output of 6,800 hp.
Other equipment features of the
Michael Luhr include Mathers en-
gine controls, Jeffboat Z-slot steer-
ing controls and Scot Forge shaft-
ing. Electronic equipment includes
VHF and SSB radio from Dataronics,
and radar from Furuno.
The entire deckhouse is isolated
from the hull, an innovation which
Jeffboat pioneered. The design af-
fords the crew the comfort of a vibra-
tion- and noise-free environment
while in the quarters, galley and
pilothouse. The vessel is utilized to
move 30-plus barges of stone from
the Luhr quarries down the Missis-
sippi River. Luhr Bros., Inc. of Co-
lumbia, 111., is a major contractor for
construction and dredging projects
for the Corps of Engineers.
The vessel was finished with coat-
ings from Porter International.
Equipment List
Main engines EMD
Propeller Bird Johnson
Switchboard Power Panel
Generator engines Detroit Diesel
Generator Marathon
Reduction gears Lufki
Engine controls Mathers
Steering controls Jeffboat
Deck machinery Capstan Schoellhorn Albrecht
Winches W.W. Patterson
Shafting Scot Forge
VHF radio, SSB radio Datatronics
Radar Furuno
Pumps Ingersoll Rand
Coatings Porter International
Bender Shipbuilding
Circle 75 on Reader Service Card
Bender Shipbuilding constructed
the A1 Mutaheda 1 shrimper and
shipped it, aboard a heavy lift cargo
ship, to the Port of Shaiba, Kuwait.
The vessel is the first of 10 to be
constructed for the United Fisher-
ies and Bubiyan Fisheries, both
Kuwaiti companies. The balance of
the fleet is to be shipped at the end
of 1992, and the contract includes
an option for 10 additional vessels.
The A1 Mutaheda 1 measures 83
feet long with a beam of 24 feet, and
has a full-load draft of eight feet.
Classified ABS, +A1 Fishing Ser-
vice + AMS, the vessel is powered by
a Caterpillar 3412T main engine,
delivering 540 bhp at 1,800 rpm,
with Twin Disc MG518 marine gear,
5:92:1 ratio. This drives a four-
blade Kaplan Manganese Bronze
propeller, operating in a Kort nozzle,
to a top speed of 10 knots.
The boat's electric power is sup-
plied by two Cat Model 3304 NA
generator sets rated 50 kW at 1,500
rpm. Raytheon supplied much of
the electronic navigation equipment,
including a V82 Color Depth Re-
corder, SSB radio and VHF radio,
G.P.S. and radar. Navigation sys-
tem equipment is rounded out with
a Robertson Shipmate AP45 autopi-
lot and Intercom loud hailer.
Deck machinery includes a
McElroy 620DD main winch, with
five groove V-Belt drive from the
main engine front PTO to an over-
head line shaft and number 100
roller chain and sprocket drive to
the winch pinion. The trynet winch
is a McElroy 40 IE electric unit.
The net fish hold volume of the
boat is 3,180 cubic feet in bale, and
the vessel can also hold 21,840 gal-
lons of fuel, 200 gallons of lube oil,
and 5,280 gallons of fresh water.
Equipment List
Main engine Caterpillar
Propeller Kaplan Manganese Bronze
Generators Caterpilla
Autopilot Robertson Shipmate
Depth recorder Raytheon
SSB radio and VHF radio Raytheo
GPS Raytheo
Radar Raytheon
Deck machinery McElroy
Fishhold compressor/condensor Carrier
Workboats Northwest Inc.
Circle 77 on Reader Service Card
Workboats Northwest delivered
this 26.5-foot by 9.5-foot fireboat to
Bremerton, Wash., home of the
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard.
The vessel, which was also de-
signed to act as a floating pumping
station and as a search and rescue
boat, is constructed complete with a
dive door and the swimmer-safety
feature of a waterjet drive.
Basic power for the vessel is pro-
vided by a 460-cubic-inch, 355 hp
Kodiak gasoline engine driving a
single 2,500 gpm Berkeley pump.
The boat's valving system directs
water flow to propulsion and
firefighting systems.
A relatively shallow-draft vessel,
the boat will speed to better than 33
mph with the Berkeley steerable
water jet. Bow thrusters from
Workboats Northwest allow the boat
to hold its position or maneuver in
restricted areas.
Bow-mounted fog nozzles provide
a heat screen. The unnamed boat
can help fight marine and shorefront
fires with a bow-mounted monitor
capable of delivering up to 1,200
As a floating pumping station for
fighting shorefront fires, water is
pumped through an aft hydrant with
two 2.5-inch or one five-inch stan-
dard Stortz connections to supply
water to shore-based fire appara-
tus, or to fill water tenders where
landside hydrants are not available.
The boat also carries a 20-gallon
Class B foam system.
Wheelhouse furnishings include
Morse controls, Kodiak engine in-
strumentation and alarm systems,
and electronic gear such as GPS,
video sounders, radars, radio tele-
phones, loud hailers and full fire
siren and light system.
Equipment List
Main engine Kodiak
Water jet Berkeley
Fire pumps Berkele
Bow thruster Workboats Northwest
Controls Morse
Engine instrumentation Kodiak
Alarm systems Kodia
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