vessel was constructed to ABS, +A1,
+AMS, Harbor Service Fire Boat
Standards. The 107-foot by 25-foot
boat has a displacement of 215 tons.
At sea trials the vessel delivered in
excess of 10,000 gpm of water from
a combination of monitors and hoses,
the fire pumps powered by twin
Cummins KTAl9 engines. The ves-
sel also features a spray curtain
around its perimeter to protect her-
self from heat when fighting close-
in fires or performing rescue opera-
The navigation controls feature
all Raytheon equipment, including
the Raytheon 10 kW, 48-mile 71
radar; 7001 autopilot; two Raystar
590 GPS navigators; Raytheon 82
loud hailer; and Raytheon 152, SSB
radio. The vessel is equipped with
Kobelt air controls and has trolling
valves for the ZF Gears for maneu-
vering in tight spaces. With the
assistance of the Magnum Bow
Thruster by American Bow Thruster
Co., the vessel can turn 360 degrees
in her own length.
Provided with tachometers, in-
struments and shaft tacks, the op-
erator of the boat has a visual dis-
play of the basic instruments backed
up by an elaborate monitoring sys-
tem which provides early warning
of system failure on any on of the six
diesel engines, including bilge, fire
and other alarms.
The firefighter has Kobelt air con-
trols for the two pumping engines,
as well as front PTO controls to
select hydraulic drive for the
Telesquirt ladder, anchor wind-
lasses, bow thruster or HIAB crane.
The Telesquirt ladder is hydrauli-
cally controlled from the base of the
ladder and is used to direct a 750
gpm nozzle at a height of 85 feet off
the water. To fight chemical fires,
the extended ladder nozzle can lay
foam on the deck of a tanker or roof
of a warehouse.
Equipment List
Main engines Detroit Diesels
Fire pump engines
..Sound Propeller Co.
Fire pumps
Generator engines
GS Aurora
Loud hailer
SSB radio Raytheon
Digital compass Azimuth
Magnetic compass
Depth finder
Data Marine
Marine eears 7F RW
Switch gears and panels Con-Tech Power Systems
Lighting fixtures/switch boxes Paul Luhn
Searchlights ACR Electronic
Nozzle and hydraulic ladder Telesquirt
Rewind reels Hannay
Fire monitors Skum, In-Mar Systems, Inc.
Sea r.rane Hiah
Engine and fire equipment
Line capstans
Kahlenberg Bros. Co.
Ideal Windlass Co.
1 iferaft
Quincy Compressor
Refrigerated cooled units Wilkerson Corp.
Bow thruster American Bow Thruster
Marine chareer Lamarnhe
Machinery compartment fans Hartzell Fan
of recovered oil, a disperssant spray
system including proportioning
pumps valves and two 12-meter
spray application arms. The vessel
has two 10-ton at 30-foot radius
Appleton hydraulic cranes and two
eight-ton deck tuggers. The vessel
is fully inspected as a towing vessel
by the U.S. Coast Guard and carries
certification as an Oil Spill Response
Vessel (OSRV) under OPA '90 guide-
lines. The vessel has the capacity to
carry 100,000 gallons of fuel, 15,000
gallons of potable water and 5,000
gallons of foam.
3306Ts, which were supplied by
Beckwith Machinery Company.
A unique feature of the vessel is
its vibration isolated upper deck and
pilothouse, which offers the crew a
more comfortable ride and reduces
stress on sensitive communication
and navigation equipment. Viking
Maritec reports that the Viking 2000
Class design offers the advantage of
reduced lube oil consumption, 50,000
hours before engine overhaul, full
ahead to full astern in eight seconds
flat, and a large potable water ca-
Equipment List
Main engines Caterpillar
Auxiliary and Gensets Detroit Diesel
Propulsion units Voith Schneider
Towing winch Markey
Anchor windlass Fritz Culver
Cranes Appleton
Coatings International
Firefighting Skum
Radars Furuno
Gyro Sperry
Avondale Industries, Inc.
Circle 71 on Reader Service Card
A Viking 2000 class towboat built
by the Boat Division of Avondale
Industries, Inc and designed by Vi-
king Maritec, the MTV Elizabeth
Dewey is 168 feet long and is oper-
ated by Western Kentucky Naviga-
tion Inc.
Designed to handle mixed car-
goes on the Mississippi and other
inland waters, the Elizabeth Dewey
was built for approximately $7 mil-
lion. Propulsion for the twin-screw
Viking 2000 class vessel is supplied
by a pair of Caterpillar 3612 die-
sels, rated at 6,800 hp at 900 rpm.
The twin Cats drive two kort nozzled
five-blade variable pitch stainless
steel propellers via Reintjes WAV
4450 marine gears. Karl Senner,
Inc. of New Orleans supplied the
Reintjes reverse reduction gears
with internal hydraulic propeller
shaft brakes and two Rexroth pneu-
matic remote control systems.
Auxiliary power is provided by
two 165 kW Caterpillar SR-4 gen-
erators driven by Caterpillar
Equipment List
Main engines Caterpillar
Propellers Avondale
Generators Caterpillar
Reduction gears Reintjes
Engine controls Rexroth
Deck winches NABRIC0
VHF radio, SSB radio ICOM
Pumps Ingersoll Rand
Separator Alfa Laval
Autopilot Radio Zeeland
Steering controls Control General
Fuel monitoring Phoenix Fuel Sys.
GPS Qualcom
Trinity Marine Group
Circle 62 on Reader Service Card
Trinity Marine Group, utilizing
its Equitable New Orleans, La., fa-
cility, delivered a 107-foot fireboat
to Sao Paulo, Brazil, the
Comandante Cianciulli. Designed
by Fryco, Inc. of Houston, the vessel
is also equipped with a modern
trauma center, a decompression
chamber for diver treatment, and
equipped to support scuba and hard
hat diving. All multi-mission equip-
ment was supplied by Engineering
Equipment Company of Chicago.
Powered by twin 1,400 hp Detroit
Diesel 16V92TA engines driving
through ZF BW-450 marine gears,
the vessel has a service speed of 15
knots and a continuous cruising
speed of 13 knots.
The steel-hulled and steel cabin
Miss Cynthia from Leevac Shipyards
SIS pilot boat from Gladding-Hearn
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Bremerton, Wa., fireboat from Workboats Northwest
Digital Wave Publishing