M/V Loop Responder from North American Shipbuilding
Comandante Cianciulli fireboat from Trinity Marine
he year's portfolio of out-
standing workboats includes
a variety of vessels, each one
distinctive in both design and
function, from the Voith Schneider
propelled 155-foot-long M/V Loop
Responder, reportedly the most pow-
erful tug boat in the world, to the
26.5-foot-long fireboat from
Workboats Northwest. Overall the
list is fairly balanced regarding ves-
sel types, as three fireboats, three
towboats and two oil skimmers made
the top thirteen. The list is rounded
out with a tug, crewboat, a patrol
boat, a shrimper and a pilot boat.
Due credit is given to the second-
tier shipyards and the equipment
suppliers involved in the creation of
the best workboats of 1992.
Circle 30 on Reader Service Card
SEA-FAB, Inc. delivered the 100-
foot long oil skimmer Recovery I to
Clean Coastal Waters, Inc. of Long
Beach, Calif. The vessel has a beam
of 28 feet and a depth of 11 feet, and
weighs 98 tons.
The boat is propelled by a Cater-
pillar 3408 main engine, which
drives a four-blade bronze propel-
ler. The oil spill recovery vessel also
features Wesmar T-50 thrusters and
a hydraulic thruster engine; Isuzu
C-240 generator engines, twin-disc,
M4 516 reduction gears, 3:1 with a
trolling valve, and a 20-kW, LIMA
Designed by Grant and Grant
Associates of Wilmington, Calif.,
the vessel also sports port and star-
board doors which direct recovered
oil to Lori skimmers. The boat's
electronic gear includes: Raytheon's
Ray-80 M56758 VHF-Radio and
Raynav 580 loran; a Furuno 18300
radar; a Danforth Steel Boat Com-
pass; and Furuno FAP 55 autopilot.
Additional equipment on the Re-
covery I includes: Mathers MMC
engine controls; Jastram hydraulic
steering controls; McElroy #7 Seine
Winch from Alaskan Crane; four-
inch Aquamet 17 shafting; Barnes/
55CCE pumps from Blackmer Hand
Pump; and two Isuzu QD100/4801
hydraulic power packs. The vessel's
coatings were supplied by Interna-
tional Paint Co.
Equipment List
Main engine Caterpillar
Thruster Wesma
Generator engine Isuzu
Generator LIMA
Engine controls Mathers MMC
Steering controls Jastram Hydraulic
Deck machinery Alaskan Crane
Shafting Aquamet
Coatings International Paint
VHF Radio Raytheon
Radar Furuno
Compass Danforth
Loran Raytheon
Autopilot Furuno
Pumps Blackmer Hand Pump
Hydraulic Power Packs Isuzu
North American
Shipbuilding Inc.
Circle 68 on Reader Service Card
The M/V Loop Responder, featur-
ing twin Voith Schneider Propul-
sion (VSP) units of type 36G 11/200
cycloidal propellers arranged side
by side in the tractor configuration,
is reported to be the most powerful
tractor tug in the world. Designed
Burrard Cleaner No. 9 from MARCO
Al Mutaheda 1 shrimper from Bender Shipbuilding
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
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