MEDphone And IDB Pact
To Offer New Lifesaving
Service Via Satellite
MEDphone Corporation and
IDB Mobile Communications, a
joint venture of IDB Communica-
tions Group, Inc. and Teleglobe
International (U.S.), Inc., an-
nounced a new alliance that will
offer a lifesaving service which
delivers emergency medical assis-
tance and treatment for cardiac
arrest victims worldwide—wher-
ever satellite communication is
available— on ships, drilling rigs
and other remote locations.
Utilizing IDB's link with the
International Maritime System
(INMARSAT) and Medphone's
patented products, physicians can
remotely interact on site in an
emergency—to monitor and pro-
vide two-way communication. In
case of cardiac arrest, the physi-
cian can rapidly jump-start the
victim's heart. MEDphone's ser-
vices are also available via cellu-
lar and conventional telephone
IDB Mobile Communications,
based in Rockville, Md., markets
maritime and land-mobile satel-
lite communications services to
users including commercial ship-
ping fleets, fishing vessels, plea-
sure cruises, oil rigs and tankers,
and remote land operations. IDB
Communications Group, Inc. is a
leading supplier of transmission
Reliable, efficient
Jered now offers STANDARD
Vacuum Toilet Systems in six sizes for
marine applications.
Designed for highly reliable, energy
efficient operation, these units are light-
weight and compact, and interface with
most types of treatment equipment.
Our standard Vacuum Systems offer a
range of capability to suit the needs of any
size installation.
Consider the benefits of a Vacuum
Toilet System for your next project.
Consider Jered.
Model MVT-100
vacuum toilets
We believe simplicity in design
is a key to reliability:
• Minimum of moving parts
• Continuously cycle tested for
250,000 flushes, failure-free
• All vitreous china bowl
• Simple to maintain, easily cleaned
with normal domestic cleansers
• Absolutely safe to use (no electrical
hook-up; no chance of vacuum lock)
• Rear exit discharge
Jered Brown Brothers
90 years as a marine equipment supplier
20 years experience in providing Vacuum Toilet Systems
A member of the Vickers Marine Engineering Division which includes Brown Brothers, Stone Vickers, Michell Bearings
and Advanced Programmes, U.K.; KaMeWa, Sweden; and Vickers Japan KK
1608 Newcastle St., Brunswick, Georgia 31520-6729 USA Tel: (912) 261-2732; Fax: (912) 261-2840
Circle 293 on Reader Service Card
services for radio, television, data
and voice communications via sat-
ellite and fiber optics.
For more information,
Circle 37 on Reader Service Card
Canadian Navy Verifies
Thordon Bearings' Success
In New Patrol Frigates
Thordon Compac bearings were
back-fitted to the Halifax in May
1992 because the traditional rubber
stave "A" bracket bearings, which
were originally fitted to the vessel
reportedly did not meet the Cana-
dian Navy's specifications for acous-
tics or friction.
The Canadian Navy has since
reported that sea trials and sound
range tests, at all power levels, have
demonstrated that the Thordon
Compac bearing has eliminated all
bearing related acoustic problems.
Since the tests were successful,
Thordon has been specified for all 12
of the frigates.
Thordon says that the results
have confirmed its tests, which were
significantly lower in terms of start
up and running friction for Compac
as compared to rubber.
Thordon Compac bearings are
reported to have low friction, long
wear life, excellent loading patterns
and endurance in adverse condi-
For complete details on the
Thordon Compac bearing,
Circle 41 on Reader Service Card
Bender Awarded
$4.25 Million Contract
For S.S. Equality State
Bender Shipbuilding & Repair
Co., Inc. Mobile, Ala., has been
awarded a contract worth
$4,251,222 for the repair, test and
deactivation of the auxiliary crane
ship (T-ACS), S.S. Equality State.
The Equality State's mission is to
provide a mobile discharge facility
fornon-self-sustaining containerships
in ports without operational container
discharge capabilities. The ship is
equipped with six cranes arranged in
three pairs. Each crane is capable of
lifting a 20- or 40-foot container; each
pair can lift an M-60 battle tank and
four cranes working together can lift
a 90-ton causeway.
The Equality State is 668 feet
long, has a beam of 76 feet and
displaces about 25,660 long tons.
When not in service the vessel is
assigned to the Ready Reserve Force
by the Maritime Administration.
Bender will perform the work in
120 days, employing 75 workers.
Bender is a full service shipyard
that builds, converts and repairs
vessels for commercial and govern-
mental owners and operators.
For complete information on
Bender's capabilities,
Circle 44 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Digital Wave Publishing