From the largest to the smallest...
Leistritz screw pumps
for lube & fuel service.
In critical lube and fuel pump-
ing installations—such as those
aboard ships and in power gen-
eration plants—pump depend-
ability is crucial. And when it
comes to dependability, the
Leistritz screw pump is in a
class by itself.
Leistritz has been designing
and building screw pumps for
more than 65 years. And today,
we offer the broadest range of
types and sizes on the market.
You can select from horizontal
or vertical models; from two-
rotor, three-rotor or five-rotor
designs; and from capacities
as high as 4500 gpm, down to
5 gpm.
Each Leistritz screw pump
represents a no-compromise,
engineered solution. And
each is conservatively de-
signed to give you an extra
margin of reliability.
Leistritz operates engine-
ering and service facilities
throughout the world, and
will work closely with you
in providing expert
application and instal-
lation assistance.
For further informa-
tion on the largest
of all screw pump
programs, contact
Leistritz today.
Leistritz Corporation
165 Chestnut Street
Allendale, NJ 07401
• 201-934-8262
FAX 201-934-8266
Circle 335 on Reader Service Card
Digital Wave Publishing