Krupp MaK Diesels
Ordered By Bender
For Alaska Ferry
Krupp MaK Diesel, Inc., on be-
half of their parent company, Krupp
MaK Maschinenbau GmbH, has
announced that it has received an
order from Bender Shipbuilding &
Repair Co., Inc. for the supply of two
MaK 8M453C 4,000-hp, 600 rpm
main propulsion engines and Lufkin
reduction gears. The equipment is
to be installed aboard the Alaska
Marine Highway ferry, the MTV
Taku, which is scheduled to be re-
powered at Bender.
Bender Shipyard received the re-
power contract despite the cost of
having to bring the vessel through
the Panama Canal and into the Gulf
to carry out the work.
This is reported to be the second
Alaska to be repowered with MaK
M453 engines.
For more information on Krupp
Mak diesel engines,
Circle 7 on Reader Service Card
Tencara To Build
Advanced Composites
Air-Cushion Ship
Tencara, a Montecatini company
in the Ferruzzi-Montedison Group
of Italy, and the Norwegian naval
engineering firm, Cirrus Ship Design,
have signed an agreement to con-
struct a surface effect ship (SES) to be
used in rapid passenger transport.
This is reportedly the first time a ship
of this type, designed for civil use, will
be constructed with an extensive use
of advanced composite materials
rather than metal or fiberglass, using
the same advanced technologies used
for the "Moro di Venezia" boats.
This ship, which will be 188 feet
long, will be capable of transporting
320 passengers at a speed of over 50
knots and be used on short-to-me-
dium length routes of 100 to 120
The design for the new ship, called
the SES Tencara Cirrus 120PL, has
already been completed. Cirrus has
provided the overall design, which
has been optimized on the basis of
weight reduction, according to
Tencara. Tencara will be responsible
for material selection and construc-
tion of the ship.
Ferruzzi-Montedison has one of the
largest Italian presences in the U.S.
with revenues of $5.4 billion and over
6,000 employees.
For more information on the ma-
rine services and facilities of Tencara,
Circle 15 on Reader Service Card
Boston Whaler Wins
Contract From New York
City Police Department
The Commercial Products Division of
Boston Whaler, Inc. has received a con-
tract from the New York City Police De-
partment (NYCPD) for an all-aluminum
36-foot Defiance Model Patrol Boat.
Selection of the Defiance was made
following an on-location demonstra-
tion, which proved that the customer's
performance standards were achiev-
able; and also because Boston Whaler
was among the lowest bidders for the
The Boston Whaler Defiance 36'.
Delivery of the vessel is scheduled
for January 1993. According to Sgt.
Robert Jahrnes of the NYCPD, the
Defiance will be used in the waters
around Manhattan. It is also re-
ported to be the first Defiance model
to be equipped with twin Detroit 671TI
diesel engines.
With the purchase of the Defiance 36,
the total number of Boston Whaler com-
mercial boats in use in NYC is five. The
department also has three 13-foot Utility
Whalers and a 27-foot Challenger.
For free literature describing the ser-
vices and capabilities of Boston Whaler,
Circle 17 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
The World Leader In
SWATH Design And Construction.
SWATH vessel: "Chubasco" U.S.C.G. Cutter "Cape Romain"
built by SWATH OCEAN SYSTEMS Stats: 95 ft. / 20 ft. beam /105 tons
Stats: 72 ft. / 31 ft. beam / 70 tons
Sequence of VHS footage taken during sea trials off San Francisco Harbor entrance.
Full video available upon request.
Having constructed more SWATH
craft than any other builder in the world,
is ready to provide the platform for
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2000 Class SWATH Pilot Vessel
Proven in the North Atlantic and over the demanding bars of the North West Pacific, SWATH
performance is setting new standards in sea keeping ability.
Brochures and videos available upon request.
Headquarters and Construction Facility
979 "G" Street, Chula Vista, CA91911
Phone: (619) 426-2179 • Fax: (619) 426-2196
Circle 279 on Reader Service Card
Digital Wave Publishing