Intermarine USA Begins
Construction Of Fourth
Advanced Navy Minehunter
Intermarine USA recently laid
the first layers of structural rein-
forcement in the hull mold for MHC-
58, the fourth U.S. Navy minehunter
under construction at Intermarine.
Intermarine is a world leader in
minehunter design and construction
with 26 ships ordered or delivered.
Keel Laying of MHC-58 at Intermarine USA
Intermarine's advanced monocoque
designs require no frames or keel and
are reported to be exceptionally shock
resistant. The first layers of the hull
mold are built like stair steps to provide
overlap of the material. The resulting
build-up resembles a pyramid and is the
equivalent of a keel in a conventional
Following the completion of the hull,
the mold will then be moved into a new
94,000square foot addition, which will be
ready for use in the spring of 1993.
The program to transfer Italian de-
sign and construction technology to U.S.
Navy Mine Warfare shipbuilding pro-
grams began in 1986. Intermarine USA
was established by the Ferruzzi group of
Italy in 1987 to build these ships for the
U.S. Navy.
For complete literature detailing the
services and facilities oflntermarineUSA
Circle 18 on Reader Service Card
Malacrida Appointed
Regional Sales Manager,
For Wartsila Diesel
Karl F. Yannes, vice president,
marine engines for Wartsila Diesel,
Inc., has announced the appoint-
ment of Bill Malacrida as regional
sales manager, marine engines, for the
Southeastern U.S. Mr. Malacrida will
be located in the company's Houston,
Texas, office.
Mr. Malacrida brings over 20 years
of marine industry experience to his
new position and accordingly, will be
responsible for marketing and sales of
the extensive line of Wartsila Marine
Products to customers, agents, design-
ers and shipyards throughout the South-
east U.S. region.
Wartsila Diesel Group, headquar-
tered in Helsinki, Finland, and
Strasbourg, France, is a world leader in
the manufacture of medium-speed die-
sel engines. With power outputs to
22,000bhp, Wartsila Diesel engines are
used worldwide as main and auxiliary
power sources in oceangoing vessels
and other marine applications. World-
wide logistic supportability is provided
for all Wartsila Group products through
60 facilities located in 24 countries.
For free literature containing full
information on the Wartsila Diesel line
of engines,
Circle 87 on Reader Service Card
MHI Receives Order
For Two Containerships
From Evergreen
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
(MHI) has received a $169 million
order for two 3,910-TEU
containerships from Evergreen In-
ternational S.A. of Panama. The
ships are expected to be delivered in
MHI will build both ships at its
Kobe Shipyard and Machinery
A letter of intent was also re-
ceived for three additional
containerships of the same size from
Evergreen is currently executing
a project to replace 20 ships with
new ships. The order was a part of
this project.
Prior to ordering from MHI, Ever-
green had already ordered three
containerships from Onomichi Dock-
yard in Japan. MHI and Onomichi will
build a total of 10 ships as the first stage
of Evergreen's replacement project.
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Circle 201 on Reader Service Card
Let ABS Help You
Through the OPA '90 Maze
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The US Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA '90) imposes many
regulations upon tank vessels regarding design, operation,
spill response, and equipment. Determining which of these
complex regulations apply, their interpretation and impli-
cations is difficult enough. But when the requirements of
local jurisdictions are factored into the equation, the situ-
ation can become bewildering.
ABS, through its subsidiary ABS Marine Services (ABS
MSI), has a dedicated consulting service available to
owners and operators for helping them understand their
position. ABS MSI can also assist in taking necessary
actions such as preparing contingency and response
plans, preparing environmental audits, and organizing
rapid response teams.
More quality services to the Marine Industry from ABS.
Capt. Tim Leitzell
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Tel: (212)839-5000 Telex: 232099 ABNY UR Fax:(212)839-5130
Circle 204 on Reader Service Card
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News
Digital Wave Publishing